Hi guys, Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place. I have been trying to activate my office 2010 and i stumbled to this software. Installed it fisabled my antivirus programs firewall and when i press the activate button it gives this error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 errorCode) at System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext() at ..(String , String , , String ) at ...ctor() at ..(Object , DoWorkEventArgs ) If any1 can help me that I would love you thanks!!!
Same activation problem I've gotten the same error message the OP posted above. I was trying to activate 2013 Office (on my Windows 7 System). MSTK had been working perfectly for over a year, but now I get this error message when I try to activate Office Pro 2013. I had this same problem on another PC and could never solve it. Thanks in advance!
Thank you. So I'm guessing reinstalling Windows 7 should fix this error?? Do you think Repairing Windows 7 would also fix it, or not??
If it is WMI problem, why not try Windows 7 or 8 Manager \ Windows Repair Center => System Repair => Rebuild The WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) Repository.
Great idea. I'm running a licensed version of Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. I'll research how to rebuild the WMI Repository. Update: Were you suggesting I try this software: "Windows 7 Manager by Yamicsoft" or that I manually repair/rebuild the WMI Repository??? Many thanks for the suggestion, I'll report back my results.
search for winmgmt.exe /resetrepository found: http: //blogs.technet.com/b/askperf/archive/2009/04/13/wmi-rebuilding-the-wmi-repository.aspx
I wouldn't take the big cannon to blow up everything. This command will reset WMI in total to the state where Windows was first installed. This is the last resort if Windows is damaged. Resetting WMI repository to factory default surely will have have an impact on already installed software leaving all the apps nonfunctioning. Regarding Office, this "impact" can be corrected by using Control Panel - Programs and Features - Click on "Office App" and use "Repair Office". I have tested this procedure with Office 2016 and get it back working. So before you do the "blow up", you should first try to repair/re-install "Office Software Protection Platform" in WMI with the following command and test activation. Start CMD-Shell with admin-rights/run as admin, then enter (all together in 1 line!): "C:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM\mofcomp.exe" "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPWMI.MOF" This is for Windows 7 only !
Thank you Ratz. I was concerned that the reset of the WMI make make some apps stop working correctly. I'll give your suggestion a shot. So, both commands on one line, executed at the same time?? Thank you again!!
I am facing same issue in Windows 10 x64 TP 10074. I dont have any antivirus, and started the Windows Defender to add the MKT exe file as exclusion list but still the software generates the same error !!
Stay tuned Naxal, I've been working on this problem for about 6 months now. I'm getting close to finding a solution that does not require me to reinstall programs, or completely reinstall Windows. I'll have some time for testing this weekend, I'll report my results back here and in the MSTK thread.
Reporting back. I first tried the: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM\mofcomp.exe" "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPWMI.MOF" Made no difference, still got the same error code from MSTK. Next, I completely rebuilt the WMI Registry. Also, made no difference. Anyone else got any suggestions??? Looks Like I'll be reformatting my drive if nobody has any other suggestions.
looking like your best bet. After you have it running the way you want it. Make an image of the drive for reverting back. Nobody wants to backup, but at least do a one time fresh install one to save you a few days of hunting for a fix lol Can do additional backups as well from time to time as things are working well, just make a new dated image at that point. Keep the original fresh one and one or two new ones. Will save you time and energy later.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the suggestions and the help. Terrific idea about the images of working installs. I've seen this error I posted several times over the last year or so, but never a solution. Hopefully others can find this thread in the future, and save themselves all the time I've spent fiddling with it. I could have wiped the drive and reinstalled everything in a fraction of the time I've spent, but I wanted to try everything to convince myself there was not a faster fix. Apparently there is not a fix! I think I have one more rearm, then I'll wipe the drive, although by then I may want to try Office 2016.
Update for anyone else who had this same problem trying to re-activate Office Pro 2013, with MSTK. I limped along for a couple of months with re-arms. I was ready to wipe that machine and do a bare metal re-install of the OS. I had tried everything imaginable spent at least 7 months working on this problem on two different computers with no success. Nothing would make MSTK either check or reactivate Office Pro 2013. This morning I upgraded the machine from Windows 7 Pro, to Windows 10 Pro. Guess what, NOW MSTK works again! I was able to both check and then re-activate MS Office Pro 2013 perfectly!! Anyone who googles this thread, try upgrading to Windows 10 if you want to avoid a OS reinstall.
It mostly fails for a reason ... so the Upgrade seems to be Over-Kill. I would check what is broken before .