I'd like to know how to use Mini KMS activator (for activating Office 2010). The problem is that there are many choices in the main menu and I don't know which to use. Thanks
is there a major advantage that mini kms activator has over tuvi? does it bother you every time you look at task manager and find that kms service eating up your memory? not with tuvi.
Tuvi's method does it faster. Turn off windows firewall and AV (although not necessary but useful for quick execution), click on kmsreset, and then check. In 99% of my activations or period extensions, Tuvi's method has worked. The 1% would be for various reasons but mainly because of firewall and AV issues (both cause a prompt and sometimes an error).
You can choose to run the activator just once without installing the service, the same thing which Tuvi's hack does. You don't need to allow miniKMS activator through your firewall (or even turn it off), but you do need to do that with Tuvi's hack. I used Tuvi's hack when I first installed Office, but it took a lot of time to activate. I then tried mini KMS on two other computers and it worked immediately. Besides, with the amount of RAM computers have these days, I really doubt that kmservice using 2 mb memory will matter to 99% of the people installing Office.
Thanks for your reply. Is there any advantage to run the activator just once without installing the service?
Run it once and then run it any time before 180 days. Can run it every day too to keep office perpetually activated for 180 days. I usually run it once every few days (between 170-180 days left of expiry). No point in running it as a service since executing it once takes 1 min and is required only once every 180 days.
You don't have the service running randomly, and using up that 2mb of memory. As long as you can remember to spend 2 mins running KMS again sometime within the 180 days, there is no downside to not installing it. I had issues with my AV deleting one of the service files, so doing a single run occasionally is easier for me. Both methods are easy enough tho.
I recommend to you MiniKMS Activator v1.3 and after activating office 2010 you can run it again to uninstall KMS Service Emulator, office will remain Activated for 180 days
I think the best solution is if you have a home network, run the service on one machine (that's always on), then configure all the other machines to activate against that one. Then you only worry about your 2MB of RAM on one computer, it's only one computer that you have to get AV software to avoid deleting it, and you can easily configure as many office 2010 and Win7 Professional/Enterprise computers to activate against it as you want.
Tuvi's method is highly recommended. Simply download Tuvi in a folder, unzip it, and in the same folder, create a batch file that contains the following: @echo off cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /sethst: Start Keygen.exe cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /act cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /act cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /act taskkill /im Keygen.exe /f cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /remhst taskkill /im OSPPSVC.EXE /f exit Just run the batch file as administrator and you're done! No system file installation, no KMS process eating up your memory (regardless of amount). And here's a little something extra. This is a batch file to check the activation status of Office 2010: @echo off cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" //nologo /dstatus taskkill /im OSPPSVC.EXE /f pause exit