So I have this laptop that needs an ML1220 wired CMOS battery. From where I live, ML1220 is pretty expensive especially the wired one. So can I replace it with a CR1220? Because from what I know ML1220 batteries are rechargeable, so replacing it with a non-rechargeable will be unsafe right? I just want to know if I can replace it with a CR1220 and if it's safe. tnx.
The simple answer is - no, because the CR is a standard not rechargeable battery, but the ML is a rechargeable battery. You can only replace the ML type not rechargeable battery with the same dimensions, as the not rechargeable batteries cannot be charged and may explode when charged. PS. What happened to your ML1220? This should last and work years. Is it really spoiled? The first external feature is that it becomes thicker, ie rounded in the middle. The second is that after short time turned off it will forget date and time, sometimes the touchpad won't work after computer have been turned off for long time, ie PS/2 Mouse driver wouldn't load correctly. Usually it begin work after several restarts.