Hello I would like to move the Freebox folder (network location) below the hard drives I think it's possible by the registry, but I can't find If someone has an idea Thanks for your help
Please give us/me the registry key, how it has been put into the registry. Note: if everything related (info,rules etc) to this folder has been included in one .dll, most likely You can do nothing there becaus e then You'll see in registry only somethig like this (it is the Glary Utilities right-click menu reg key) Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Glary Utilities] @="{B3C418F8-922B-4faf-915E-59BC14448CF7}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Glary Utilities] @="{B3C418F8-922B-4faf-915E-59BC14448CF7}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Glary Utilities] @="{B3C418F8-922B-4faf-915E-59BC14448CF7}" You may try to add line under main rule/the first line "Position"="bottom" but most likely it will not change nothing.
I don't have these keys (I don't have Glary) I didn't understand what you were asking me (sorry for my english) And I did not find a new registry key after adding this "network location" I saw that it was a SortOrderIndex key that had to be added to change the order of This PC and Quick Access Maybe the same
You don't need have any Glary Utilities, it was added as example if something has been added into registry using registered .dll I asked the registry key where this thing what You asked is in registry, I want to see, how it has been added into this menu if You cannot find it, I can't do nothing more to help You. But as I already said, most likely You cannot at all do anything at all, because all info is in some .dll and it is encrypted.
Winaero Tweaker can help you achieve what you are after. It might take some fiddling with disabling default entries and adding custom entries to the Navigation Pane, but I'm positive this can be done. You'll likely even find that "freebox" has registered itself as a shell location.
Yes I had tested with Winaero Tweaker, but the Freebox entry did not appear I will try adding it with Winaero I managed to hide Desktop (below This PC) with the registry, it appearing when I was browsing the Desktop directory (by explorer) But I can not find for the addition of "network location" Thanks for your help
Network is a shell location. If you click the use shell location button on the custom navigation pane page, you can use the search box to filter. If you search for Network you will get many results, but only 2 of those say "Network" and also have the same icon. The second one of those is the default entry. When in doubt, you can use the "test shell location" button to see what they do.
I was able to add it in Winaero (Navigation Pane - Customs Items with shell location) It is recognized as Microsoft FTP Folder But I can't do nothing with it Thanks