there are two things about win10 which just piss me off. first, i have my background set to change every minute. but the problem is that when it changes, all of my windows reset. so for instance, if i am searching through a folder which has 500 files in it, and say i have gotten down to 178, when the background changes, the window will automatically go back to the top, and i am looking at file number 1, losing my search, and the place where i was. so, is there any way i can stop this from happening without giving up my background changing? second, i have a very fast machine, and it has always restarted in less than 20 secs from os to os. now it takes around 30 seconds. i don't know why win10 takes so long to restart, but i have tried several tweaks, none of them work. i use to shut down in 3-4 secs, now it takes exactly twenty seconds to shut down on a restart. any help is appreciated.