New Language Pack for Windows 7

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by huha, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. huha

    huha MDL Novice

    Sep 29, 2010
    Hi guys, I am new here

    I am now tired to search anymore to get help, so here is my last destination, because I found alot of tutorials with Windows 7.

    My problem is, I have translated Windows 7 to Kurdish, it works perfectly on installation CD, and I have no problems with it, full Windows 7 in Kurdish.

    Now I am trying to make a Language Pack for Windows 7, and the language is Kurdish (there is no kurdish language pack from Microsoft). I have translated the Language Pack, I unpacked/extracted english language pack and translated it to kurdish, then I packed it again into the .cab (cabinet) file. When I tried to install it, I got error and and installation been stoped.

    I don't know what the problem is.

    I tried other ways too: I downloaded an english language pack for windows 7, I unpacked it and then I packed it again ( without touching any files, just unpack and repack), that I couldn't make it work.

    The quetion is, what can the problem be`? :p

    I have the Kurdish Windows 7 ready on CD, but I need language pack too

    are there someone who can help me?

    thanks again :worthy:
  2. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    1. You have kurdish windows 7
    2. You want to translate 7 to kurdish yet you already have kurdish 7
    3. you are using an english source for translation
    4. Its not working?....
  3. huha

    huha MDL Novice

    Sep 29, 2010

    The problem is, not everyone can install the kurdish windows from crash/begining, there are many users who want to just install a MUI language pack, wich they don't need to setup windows. You know there is many language packs, If you have english windows, and you want to install French language pack (MUI: Multi User internface) on it, the windows will become french.

    exampel: I translated Windows 7 from English to Kurdish language, then I repacked it (the whole windows, not just MUI (languagepack)) Burned it to DVD again, and I got Windows 7 Kurdish. Nothing is wrong here.

    exampel 2: I downloaded Arabic MUI language pack for Windows 7, I translated it to kurdish, when I tried to install it on my (English Windows) I got error: The MUI language pack cann't be installed.

    The problem is, when I just unpacked the MUI language pack, and repacked it, tried to install MUI, it won't work, I don't know why.

    the MUI files are .CAB files
  4. frwil

    frwil MDL Addicted

    Sep 22, 2008
    They are not just ordinary cab files, there's more to them, i think, like in .msu files, which also look like cab files but are a bit different.
  5. FreeStyler

    FreeStyler MDL Guru

    Jun 23, 2007
    Besides what frwil already mentioned i think these are also digitally signed to detect manipulation
  6. huha

    huha MDL Novice

    Sep 29, 2010
    so, are there any way to make a MUI language pack?

    I also tried to unpack and repack the same files without ttouching/editing them. I got error as the same
  7. FreeStyler

    FreeStyler MDL Guru

    Jun 23, 2007
    That is exactly what i am implying, i think you cannot repack the files without manipulating integrity check or digitally signature
  8. mzakho

    mzakho MDL Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    pleas upload just your kurdish language cab (cabinet) file to check it may be can help you

    with regards
  9. Anakunda

    Anakunda MDL Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Kurdish is kinda exotic. If it is contained inside that 35 language pack then it's much easier use already existing lang pack. Otherwise its quite hard as you 'll have to gain Microsoft's signatures.