Just bought a Nokia Lumia 800 yesterday and I wonder what is causing people to trample upon Nokia/write off Nokia/MS. As a hardware, it is excellent and WP7.5 is quite good. Also had a choice of Galaxy Note but found it too bulky for my wife (for whom the new purchase was intended). The Galaxy SII being sold in India is an older version perhaps. Not an Apple addict and so iphone did not enter into consideration. Based on our experience with Lumia 800, will go for 900 (bigger screen) when it comes into India (if it does).
Having used Nokia Lumia 800 for a few days (bought for my wife), I must say that on a standalone basis (with no hands-on experience with Android and IOS) it has delighted me so much that I am very much keen on replacing my old Nokia with either Lumia 800 or 900. Apps are considered a drawback for WP, but what is the fuss. I can manage around 50-100 apps max and most that I want are available. So what is the big deal in having >100,000 of apps, downloading thousands, and uninstalling 99% of them after a few hours/days.