Office 2010 pro plus is a huge step backwards because: 1. distributed as .exe not .iso WTF MS??? 2. must have a valid product key just to install - this sucks 3. if you choose not to activate you have 29 days but you get nagged to activate every time you start an Office 2010 application, even if another app is already open. There is no "remind me later", or "remind me in 5 days"...really a douche bag way to activate. f**k, I really hope this is not the direction of future MS products, especially Windows...what a pain in the ass
Its kinda annoying but there are ways around all the nags however I would agree with you that having the activation pop up every start up is just begging to be hacked cause of how annoying it is. I wish MS would actually trust its customers and not make stuff like this but sadly enough that ain't true in this case...
Thank you Smorgan. I'd just like to add that I am a Technet Plus subscriber and I do a lot of short term product testing and evaluation. That is the reason I payed for Technet and that is the reason I am so pissed off at Microsoft right now for the way that Office 2010 activation behaves. Even Microsoft themselves have this to say about it: "IMPORTANT - If you use products that require activation, many allow up to 30 days usage without activating. If you re-image your computers more frequently than every 30 days, you may want to consider NOT activating them if you have that option based on the product you are installing." All I can say again is Microsoft - What the f**k???
Still doesn't help cause if you can't install it without a key (which I don't have) then your still no go... My hack supports software which is actually installed and can't bypass the part where the key has to be iputted...
Ummm if you can't get a trial key then no there is not a clean way around it without really digging into it and trying to convert it to a VL installer and I'm not interested in doing that...
Guys and Gals: Here is your solution. Download the WTZ Select Edition from the following Link and you will have not only the X86 and X64 versions of the RTM version of Office 2010 but you will successfully be able to activate it with the Mini-KMS Activator that comes with it + the Proofing Tools that contain the various language files....this following link is a bittorrent file and is 8.56 GB in size but it is well worth the download and the download is fast: Here is the link: REMOVED Warning: Posting of torrents files or (external) archives containing torrents files are not allowed @MDL
Lest I recall I thought I said the KMS activator was a piece of junk which has been copied and done over so many times it makes Rambo look good. Please when you have something useful which has not been over posted all over this site then you can post something useful. Sorry about bringing the hammer down but I'm really tired of the KMS thing...
Eventually a retail key will get leaked that allows install but not activation. Then you can play with your Remove OGA??? May have to pay Hazar royalties.
Nope my hack is does not remove the OGA it doesn't do any of that and I doubt hazar will figure this out but he can give it his best attempt as I may share this with a few select people in order to prove that it works....And so that a GUI can be made...Your not invited to join your selected to contribute cause I don't like beggars....
I'm sure you'll see ISOs eventually. Particularly when there's real discs. Office 2007 was available as EXE in addition to ISO as well. However for users without optical drives (eg: netbooks) it's easier for them to manage EXEs How is this a step backwards? All versions of office from the past 10 years have required a valid key just to install (I'm iffy on Office 2007). Deployed versions with a preinserted key don't count, as I'm sure that can be done with 2010. But if you don't activate, Office 2010 will continue to function after 30 days. After initial grace, Office XP, 2003, and 2007 will not start. During initial grace those versions of Office also nag you incessantly. Let's look at history: Windows XP: Prior to SP3 you have to enter a key to install. With VL you still have to. After the grace period expires you can not log in except in safe mode. Vista RTM: Do not have to enter a key to install Out of grace you're limited to one hour sessions, and it starts in the web browser (from which Windows explorer can be started) Vista SP1: Do not have to enter a product key at installation Out of grace you get a 15 second nag screen at login, then you can use the machine indefinitely Windows 7RTM: Do not have to enter a product key at installation Out of grace you get a nag screen, can be dismissed immediatly. If you want to see draconian licensing, watch an entire engineering office shut down because the CAD license server is offline. Activation and licensing servers piss me off, but I think Microsoft has gathered from Corporate users that: -Counting licenses are a pain (KMS will activate an unlimited number of clients, even if a license for 25 was purchased, MAK will have 500 activations, even if a licence for 5 was purchased) -It is unacceptable for desktops to not function if they can't get a license (180 day leases, and now notification mode instead of reduced functionality)
Why is the KMS method so very very bad, even worse than a Rambo sequel? It seems that any other method is going to require file modification and/or removal, which is arguably always worse - in terms of detectability. So, please tell us specifically why the KMS method is bad. Thanks.
I don't like the KMS method as it requires a reactivation every 180 days and its getting harder and harder to do. And Also I want a tool which is in english and not in russian (even if those russians are silly). And no you don't have to modify any files at all in order to get what you want with a hack. All my hack does is modify the registry somewhat and thats it. It doesn't add anything to any files at all or delete anything at all. Plus it last forever and doesn't require re-validation in 180-210 days and it even gets rid of the Nag screens. The simple fact is that there will always be other options and I have chosen not to use the KMS validation one. And personally I'm growing less and less tolerant of the KMS method as its being redone so many times that what I meant. You will have a option to choose my hack in a bout a week so I think time will tell. Sorry for being vague but I don't want this genie of mine getting out of the bottle yet...
How is this a step backwards? Well let's see...Could it be because current versions of Windows XP, Server 2003, Office 2003, Vista, Server 2008, Office 2007, Server 2008 R2, and Windows 7 all install without a key and begin a 30 day mode. For testing this is ideal. I have plenty of keys, I just don't like to use them for temporary stuff. As a I said before in this very thread, even Microsoft encourages leveraging installations without using product keys as a valid strategy for test and evaluation.
You don't get the point we want to be able to install office without being prompted to input a product such as what the VL edition does. We love 30 day stuff and so forth but having to input a key at the beginning of the setup is uncool please get your facts straight before posting, thank you.
Iso's will come soon, probably when the other editions come on msdn (cause I don't think pro plus will be the only one that'll be there). And couldn't it be possible that this exe is just the trail but without the trail key inside? So the trail and retail are exactly the same except for the trail key?