No I'm not using ospprearm.exe that Installs with office. I just find one over the net. I'll check the hashes to see if it's the same give me some mins
The hash is same as one in my office 2010 In your dl MD5: 7ffae006610a85317fbb092a2d65d1a9 C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM MD5: 7ffae006610a85317fbb092a2d65d1a9
Mine ( The One on my tool): MD5: 7ffae006610a85317fbb092a2d65d1a9 SHA1: f61f245695232ada51d81671e9918d54d9f35575 CRC32: f191212a Office (The One Installed With Office): This Version is Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 VL (RTM) MD5: e9108a8555f122eb639191e1f1149da1 SHA1: a7b71408d8f667de072cb9bae545dffbbcb012c8 CRC32: e9a46853
lol...Then you are using this office dl's OSPPREARM,exe MD5: 77b9194ff6b5f3d84ba4d1a14b312d83 (Is combo that is mentioned in office repo) 1.33 GB That I use. With your rearm tool as my hash matches with it. Try the OSPPREARM with your office?
And those 3 files with OSPPREARM are in C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM or somewhere Can't you just call OSPPREARM from your office files? Why need to have external files just call them?
which other 3 files? If you are talking about osppc.dll, ospp.vbs, slerror.xml They are there to use ospprearm.exe and ospp.vbs as standalone and no need to write the whole string just to call them example instead of this to call them Code: IF Exist "%CommonProgramFiles%\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.exe" ( "%CommonProgramFiles%\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.exe" ) ELSE ( "%commonprogramfiles(x86)%\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.exe" ) Code: REM Variables set InstallRoot= set OfficeArchType= REM Check Office Architecture Type if '%processor_architecture%'=='x86' Set OfficeArchType=32 && Goto:EndArchCheck goto:WOWCheck :WOWCheck 2>nul REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common | find /i "InstallRoot" 1>nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 Set OfficeArchType=WOW && Goto:EndArchCheck Set OfficeArchType=64 :EndArchCheck REM Get Office Installed Path if %OfficeArchType%==WOW ( FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\InstallRoot" /v Path') DO SET InstallRoot=%%B Goto:FoundPath ) FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\InstallRoot" /v Path') DO SET InstallRoot=%%B :FoundPath REM Start OSPPSVC (To make sure it is started to prevent strange cases where it doesn't start automatically from failing (XP)) 1>nul 2>nul net start osppsvc cd /d "%InstallRoot%" cscript //nologo OSPP.VBS /dstatus I use this one just to call them Code: "%~dp0Office\ospprearm.exe" Code: cscript "%~dp0Office\ospp.vbs" /dstatus That's the reason those three files are there because without them when the tool call them drops errors.
Well I'm not sure rearms check alone can support IORRT however I guess you could ask user to check rearms as that's only reason rearm concept fails if no rearms exist {Per say how to support IORRT}
you mean inject that code to IORRT? Yes it can do the job, just need to modify it to inject it to IORRT.
No I don't want to change my IORRT project it's done! Just there is no need to check rearms unless you are troubleshooting IORRT so that was my opinion All KMS is just needing to activate or repair vbia cody's tool and activate. Cody's toolkit is the only tool that i know that can fix 2010 yet to date when activation fails and no rearms exist. I still don't know how he does it but that's what fixes office when IORRT can't rearm hence won't install