I want to disable Input Indicator icon on the taskbar that is showing every time when I create new user. I also want apply this change to offline mounted image. I've tried removing these values from the offline mounted registry but for some reason they are overwritten by the system, probably after OOBE account creation: Code: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout\Preload] / %USERPROFILE%\NTUSER.DAT "1"=- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Keyboard Layout\Preload] / %WINDIR%\system32\config\SYSTEM "1"=- [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Keyboard Layout\Preload] / %WINDIR%\system32\config\DEFAULT "1"=- Value "1" "00000409" is default US keyboard layout. When removed, Input Indicator icon is not showing anymore. This trick only works on the live system and I don't know how apply it to offline image because of OOBE additional keyboard is overwriting modified offline registry and adding additional value "2" "00000409" as US keyboard. Any ideas on how to get rid of Input Indicator icon from the ISO mounted image? So that after installation it will not appear when the new user is created with OOBE + one custom keyboard layout. I don't need ENG keyboard layout, but system is adding it by default causing Input Indicator icon to appear on the taskbar.