Optimize-Offline Guide - Windows Debloating Tool, Windows 1803, 1903, 19H2, 1909, 20H1 and LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by KedarWolf, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    Unfortunately you have not attached your log file, just a txt file stating that the image was optimized by O-O
    your actual log file is contained/saved in a dated sub folder within O-O directory the file you should be looking for is OptimizeLogs.zip
  2. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    I am sorry but i have lost this file, it should have been in the iso, but i didnt generate the iso using this tool, but with msmg toolkit.
    This tool gives me unbootable ISO, i just replaced the sources.wim and made a bootable iso with MSMG toolkit ;)
  3. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
  4. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    2020-04-02T01:08:03 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Wallet ... as stated previously, i believe that this has an effect on windows store, although not quite sure what/how much of..

    2020-04-02T01:09:44 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AppRep.ChxApp ... may have an effect on store apps functionality

    2020-04-02T01:09:46 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost
    * I am assuming you are removing this because you have no use for the Start Menu and you intend to use Floating Immersive Control Panel instead.

    If not, keep and add the following to bottom of AdditionalRegTeaks
    Again Keep, If intending to use both but change the value in the following line of the script to '0' as '1' (Full) will be a bit of a pain/nuisance
    RegKey -Path "HKLM:\WIM_HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search\Flighting\Override" -Name "ImmersiveSearchFull" -Value 1 -Type DWord
    .. and similarily
    2020-04-02T01:10:00 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.Cortana
    ** Cortana can also be removed, though doing so will render the default search feature inoperable and is only recommended if a 3rd party search program like Classic Shell will be used.

  5. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    Wow thanks a lot for your help :)

    I remove StartMenuExperienceHost because i use StartIsBack, i have bought the licence :) and i am very happy with how it works.

    I am not sure if i correctly understood the ImmersiveSearchFull thing. Right now i am able to search programs, through startisback. YES i know i cannot search in explorer.exe if i remove cortana, but that's ok i use double commander ;). I dont use the immersive search :)

    So you say i should add this to the additional_tweaks.reg?

    I will also keep Microsoft.Windows.AppRep.ChxApp and Microsoft.Wallet.

    Just so that they should be in the list of apps to keep for store gaming compatibility, it would be good to have them in the main thread message :)

    Thanks a lot!! I will post again to provide feedback how this works ;)

  6. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    Kept Apprep and wallet, but still the same problem :(. Anyway thanks for your help!!

  7. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
  8. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    .. as far as I am aware, O-O is only able to create a bootable ISO from a bootable ISO source.
  9. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    ... happy to have been of some help
  10. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    However there are other issues, like angry birds 2 no internet connection error at startup.

    I am thinking this store is a damn thing for modded windows installs :D
  11. mongtay

    mongtay MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2018
    Hi everyone, let me ask support 20H1 yet?
  12. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    #396 drew84, Apr 7, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2020
    With a little bit, ..of effort,...With a little bit,..of effort,.... with, a, little, bit, of..... you get the gist..

    ... answer already covered in thread, It Doesn't (officially)... It Does (Unofficially, even on 19592 [20H2])

    Running Module : Optimize-Offline
    Optimize Start : 04/08/2020 12:22:02 AM

    2020-04-08T00:22:02 [INFO]: Supported Image Build: [19592] <<<---
    2020-04-08T00:22:05 [INFO]: Mounting Windows 10 Enterprise
    2020-04-08T00:22:51 [INFO]: Pre-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2020-04-08T00:25:05 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.549981C3F5F10
    2020-04-08T00:25:09 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.BingWeather
    2020-04-08T00:25:13 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.GetHelp
    2020-04-08T00:25:18 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Getstarted
    2020-04-08T00:25:22 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer
    2020-04-08T00:25:26 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub
    2020-04-08T00:25:30 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
    2020-04-08T00:25:34 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes
    2020-04-08T00:25:38 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal
    2020-04-08T00:25:42 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MSPaint
    2020-04-08T00:25:46 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Office.OneNote
    2020-04-08T00:25:51 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.People
    2020-04-08T00:25:55 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ScreenSketch
    2020-04-08T00:25:59 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.SkypeApp
    2020-04-08T00:26:03 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Windows.Photos
    2020-04-08T00:26:07 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
    2020-04-08T00:26:12 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsCalculator
    2020-04-08T00:26:16 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsCamera
    2020-04-08T00:26:20 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps
    2020-04-08T00:26:25 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
    2020-04-08T00:26:29 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsMaps
    2020-04-08T00:26:33 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder
    2020-04-08T00:26:37 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay
    2020-04-08T00:26:41 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay
    2020-04-08T00:26:46 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
    2020-04-08T00:26:50 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ZuneMusic
    2020-04-08T00:26:54 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ZuneVideo
    2020-04-08T00:28:59 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin
    2020-04-08T00:29:01 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.AsyncTextService
    2020-04-08T00:29:03 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.BioEnrollment
    2020-04-08T00:29:05 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.ECApp
    2020-04-08T00:29:07 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.LockApp
    2020-04-08T00:29:09 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge
    2020-04-08T00:29:11 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient
    2020-04-08T00:29:13 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AddSuggestedFoldersToLibarayDialog
    2020-04-08T00:29:16 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp
    2020-04-08T00:29:18 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.CapturePicker
    2020-04-08T00:29:20 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FileExplorer
    2020-04-08T00:29:22 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FilePicker
    2020-04-08T00:29:24 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.NarratorQuickStart
    2020-04-08T00:29:26 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkCaptivePortal
    2020-04-08T00:29:28 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkConnectionFlow
    2020-04-08T00:29:30 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls
    2020-04-08T00:29:32 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.PinningConfirmationDialog
    2020-04-08T00:29:34 [INFO]: Removing System App: NcsiUwpApp
    2020-04-08T00:29:36 [INFO]: Removing System App: Windows.PrintDialog
    2020-04-08T00:29:38 [INFO]: Removing System App: MicrosoftWindows.UndockedDevKit
    2020-04-08T00:29:40 [INFO]: Disabling Services, Drivers and Integration Content for Removed Apps.
    2020-04-08T00:29:41 [INFO]: Importing Custom App Associations.
    2020-04-08T00:30:37 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.StepsRecorder
    2020-04-08T00:30:48 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.Support.QuickAssist
    2020-04-08T00:30:58 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Hello.Face.18967
    2020-04-08T00:31:07 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Hello.Face.Migration.18967
    2020-04-08T00:31:17 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Language.Handwriting
    2020-04-08T00:31:26 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Language.OCR
    2020-04-08T00:31:35 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Language.Speech
    2020-04-08T00:31:45 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: MathRecognizer
    2020-04-08T00:31:55 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.MSPaint
    2020-04-08T00:32:04 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OneCoreUAP.OneSync
    2020-04-08T00:32:14 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Print.Fax.Scan
    2020-04-08T00:32:24 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Print.Management.Console
    2020-04-08T00:33:21 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root
    2020-04-08T00:34:04 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-Foundation-Features
    2020-04-08T00:34:08 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-Foundation-InternetPrinting-Client
    2020-04-08T00:34:12 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features
    2020-04-08T00:34:16 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-XPSServices-Features
    2020-04-08T00:34:20 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: SmbDirect
    2020-04-08T00:34:24 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: WorkFolders-Client
    2020-04-08T00:35:44 [INFO]: Enabling Optional Feature: DirectPlay
    2020-04-08T00:35:49 [INFO]: Enabling Optional Feature: LegacyComponents
    2020-04-08T00:35:54 [INFO]: Enabling Optional Feature: Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
    2020-04-08T00:36:01 [INFO]: Applying Optimized Registry Settings.
    2020-04-08T00:36:15 [INFO]: Importing Registry Template: Additional Tweaks.reg
    2020-04-08T00:36:20 [INFO]: Cleaning-up the Start Menu Layout.
    2020-04-08T00:36:24 [INFO]: Creating a Package Summary Log.
    2020-04-08T00:36:27 [INFO]: Post-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2020-04-08T00:36:30 [INFO]: Saving and Dismounting Windows 10 Enterprise
    2020-04-08T00:37:49 [INFO]: Rebuilding and Exporting Windows 10 Enterprise using Fast compression.
    2020-04-08T00:39:28 [INFO]: Finalizing Optimizations.
    2020-04-08T00:39:28 [INFO]: Optimize-Offline completed in [17] minutes with [0] errors.

    Optimizations Finalized : 04/08/2020 12:39:28 AM
  13. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    @gdeliana (may possibly apply)... but for those of you (as I do) that upgrade your OS using an O-O image, and have issues with apps (Provisioned Apps specifically)..
    You might want to check this registry key to ensure that required/needed apps (packages which may have been removed previously) aren't listed there
    ... if they are (eg. Store, PurchaseApp, AppInstaller, XboxIdentityProvider etc.), you might want to remove those entries and reinstall (in Place repair)
    with a bit of luck you should regain full functionallity...
  14. Mavericks Choice

    Mavericks Choice MDL Guru

    Aug 5, 2015
    I carried out the optimize of insider preview release yesterday using ver: 19592.1010 one minor hiccup noticed is the ability to open picture files. I ran a reg to sort the attributes, all fixed now. Been running it as my desktop PC for 24hrs so far working well.
  15. fLOW.

    fLOW. MDL Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2009