P5Q Deluxe bios for OSX

Discussion in 'macOS' started by shaumux, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. shaumux

    shaumux MDL Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    I have a Asus P5Q Deluxw motherboard.
    I installed Ideneb 1.4.
    It works fine but i need to remove some lines from the bios .
    I was using a bios modified by juzzi.
    But now its very old.
    Anybody know what i need to remove or some resources where i can find what to remove?

  2. shaumux

    shaumux MDL Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    Ok i did some searching on my own and came up with some resources and have modified the bios to include the necessary changes to run OSX.
    I also included SLIC 2.1 of HP using dynamic method.
    I have flashed the bios and it works fine.
    If somebody wants it PM me.
    I'll also be posting the bios in the windows 7 section
  3. shaumux

    shaumux MDL Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    #3 shaumux, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Here are the instructions for the OS X fix
    1. Download the AMI bios you wish to modify. It should have the .ROM extension.

    2. Run the MMTOOL.EXE

    3. Click "Load ROM" and choose your bios file.
    4. We are now going to extract the DSDT from the ROM. Click on "Extract" tab. Then on the list box on the bottom half of the MMTOOL, select "1B" named "Single Link Arch BIOS".
    5. Make sure "In uncompressed form" is selected. Enter a filename in the "Module File" textbox and then click on the "Extract" button (For example "SingleLink.dat")

    6. Using WinHex and open up the file you extract ("SingleLink.dat"). We are going to look for the case sensitive string "DSDT". There should be two instance of this in the file. We are only interested in the second instance. So search for "DSDT" twice.

    7. Right click on "D" of the "DSDT" and choose "Beginning of block".

    8. From this position, search for the hex string 57 41 4B 68 2E (WAKh.)

    9. Right click "h" of the "WAKh" and choose "End of block".

    10. In the WinHex Menu, select the "Edit" drop down and move down to "Copy Block" then "Into New File" in the new choices. Enter a file name with the .aml extension (ex: mydsdt.aml).

    11. Decompile the .aml file: "iasl.exe -d mydsdt.aml". "mydsdt.aml" is the .aml you saved earlier.

    12. After running "iasl.exe -d mydsdt.aml", it should generate a file name "mydsdt.dsl".

    13. Now here is where we start to remove the "Alias" in the dsdt. Use notepad and open the "mydsdt.dsl" you should see lines like:

            Processor (P001, 0x01, 0x00000810, 0x06) {}
            Alias (P001, CPU1)
            Processor (P002, 0x02, 0x00000000, 0x00) {}
            Alias (P002, CPU2)
            Processor (P003, 0x03, 0x00000000, 0x00) {}
            Alias (P003, CPU3)
            Processor (P004, 0x04, 0x00000000, 0x00) {}
            Alias (P004, CPU4)

    We are going to remove any line that starts with "Alias". After it is removed, save the file.

    14.To compile your new mydsdt.dsl use the command line "iasl.exe mydsdt.dsl".

    15. After running "iasl.exe mydsdt.dsl" it should produce a file named "DSDT.aml" or something like that. We are now going to inject this file back into the .dat file we saved earlier ("SingleLink.dat"). In WinHex, open the "DSDT.aml" you compiled. Press "Control A" (Select all). On the lower right hand side of WinHex you should notice a hex representation of the size of the block you have selected (For example "Size: 9F6C"). Make note of this hex size.

    16. What we are trying to do here is to insert the DSDT.aml into "SingleLink.dat" without changing the file size of "SingleLink.dat". Since the new DSDT (DSDT.aml) is smaller, we can just replace the DSDT and then pad the rest of the sectors with 00.

    17. Go back to the "SingleLink.dat" and hopefully the DSDT block we copied into a new file is still there. If not, then repeat steps 7,8,9 again.

    18. Left click on the "D" of the DSDT in the beginning of the block in "SingleLink.dat". In the WinHex "Edit" drop down on top, then select "Fill Block". We are going to "Fill with hex values" of "00".

    19. You will see "00" filled block. Your current cursor position should still be where "D" was. Now on top of the WinHex windows, click on "Position" then choose "Goto offset". Select "current position" and put the hex size that you have made a note of in step 15 in "New position" text box. Click okay, and it will take you to the new offset position. Right click on the new position (blinking cursor) and select "End of block".

    20. Go back to the beginning of the block where the "D" was before you filled it with 00 and left click on that position. In the WinHex menu on top click on "Edit" and select choose "Remove". You will get a popup box saying removing the current block will decrease the file. Click "yes" to continue

    21. Now, goto your DSDT.aml file, select everything in this file by pressing "Control A". Then in the "Edit" menu in WinHex, choose "Copy Block" then click "Normally".

    22. Go back to the "SingleLink.dat" file, your cursor should still be where the "D" was. In the WinHex menu on top, choose "Edit", then "Clipboard Data" then "Paste". A popup window will inform you that the data about to be pasted will increase the file size. Click Ok.

    23. Goto the end of the block (should end with "WAKh") and make sure there is a hex character of 2E right after "WAKh". If there no 2E, then just modify the character right after "WAKh" to hex 2E.

    24. Save the file and now we are ready to insert the file back into the .ROM

    25. Go back into the MMTools and choose "Replace" tab. On the list box, chick on "1B | Single Link Arch BIOS". Next to the "Module file:" textbox, there should be a "Browse" button, find the modified "SingleLink.dat". Click on "Replace" button and you should be done.

    26. Click on "Save ROM" button and save to a new ROM file. Flash this ROM into your BIOS.
  4. macm

    macm MDL Novice

    Mar 28, 2009
    Thanks for the info, where can I find the iasl.exe?
  5. iainstott

    iainstott MDL Novice

    Aug 3, 2009
    shaumux, thanks very much mate, been looking to do this for a while and now got a step by step guide.

    Cheers again
  6. Crucky

    Crucky MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2009
    Instead i would install Chamelleon 2 which has a DSDT override function ;) Its better than to f**k up your Bios :D
  7. shaumux

    shaumux MDL Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    Yes but it may not work always.
    Anyways I was modifying my bios for slic 2.1 so i thought i would do this too.
  8. 911medic

    911medic MDL Guru

    Aug 13, 2008
    The trick is to know what you are doing and mod it correctly. A little patience and research could benefit a person here...These mods are very common, as you most likely know. The risk is small for most, as recovery is possible..

    To each his own........:p;)
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. iainstott

    iainstott MDL Novice

    Aug 3, 2009
    Tried modding my bios, got SLIC 2.1 injected no worries, then got down to point 18 and go to the edit menu in winhex i dont have a "Fill Block" entry and can figure out how to do the rest, any ideas....
  10. shaumux

    shaumux MDL Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    Try Crtrl+L, see if that brings up the fill block.
  11. Tom_SE7EN

    Tom_SE7EN MDL Novice

    Mar 23, 2008
    What software is needed to burn a .DMG image file on a _PC_ to a DVD-R ?


  12. shaumux

    shaumux MDL Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    USE dmg2img and then use nero or anything you use to burn it
  13. kapong

    kapong MDL Novice

    May 3, 2008
    Help!,I have ASUS P5Q Pro Turbo
    and i need bios for OSX and Win7
    Help me,please

  14. shaumux

    shaumux MDL Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    #15 shaumux, Sep 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  15. kapong

    kapong MDL Novice

    May 3, 2008
    Thanks for you help,but I havn't test now.
  16. shaumux

    shaumux MDL Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    but please post feedback when you do test it.

    I think the thread title should be changed now as this has diverted from what i originally intended.
    Any suggestions?
    Anyone want this to be a sticky?
  17. shaumux

    shaumux MDL Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    #18 shaumux, Sep 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  18. Mustang Sally

    Mustang Sally MDL Junior Member

    May 9, 2007
  19. kapong

    kapong MDL Novice

    May 3, 2008
    It's work ok.

    *** i'm sorry for late feedback,i have a lot of homework.