Thanks to MDL I have become a VERY bad, but good girl! I have learned how to actually install a operating system! Thanks guys, this site rocks, and its my favourite of all. Sandy Edit: Whoops, forgot to post it, but pirated all the way!
I Run a tight crew and got a fast ship, ARG MATEY! Winnnn, I do they same with music....I find ANYTHING that is blocked from my ears I WILL go and download it all just out of spite and give it away....Take THAT!...UMG......
Formerly pirate, now official. If I can't afford the paid version, I'll search for a free or open source alternative. Only exception is Office 2010, which I use with Toolkit, because I don't like OpenOffice/LibreOffice (used for some years, but Office is way superior, sorry) and I needed Publisher, so Office Starter wasn't sufficient. Maybe next year I'll buy TechNet subscription so Office 2010 will be legally included
Pirated every time. If I need some software for a specific task, I Google to find out the best one, then just download a cracked copy & install it.
It all depends on the pricing, I will support small developers of very good software and games. I generally sample music wherever available and then buy what I like off Zune. I buy all games since I have friends that basically buy everything that comes out and I get to sample games from them and then decide what to buy. I get Microsoft stuff off MSDN, but in general I try to help anyone I come across to pirate Windows, Office, Sony and Adobe products if they want it. Those companies have atrocious pricing policies and I would not recommend anyone buying anything from them. The only thing worth purchasing off Microsoft is the Zune HD, love it.
I love free software, and free alternatives to privative software Abandonware too. But, i need probe new software: pirateware