pkeyconfig Info Reader - GUI [v8.0.0]

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by Dark Dinosaur, Apr 22, 2024.

  1. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #21 Dark Dinosaur, Sep 20, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2024
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  2. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #22 Dark Dinosaur, Sep 20, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
    For next version I have plan to remove the c# code
    And any add-type etc etc with ps equivalent code
    The class data info will become read data from offset
    So we get rid of the unmanaged class too


    v5.0.5 compiled at 21-09-24
    # Re-orgenized decode results
    # Changes list type to hash-list
    # Also, Update GLVK list from GLVK MS article
    # Also, Add missing key's from
    # Also, add few more Missing GLVK key's (from KMS_VL_ALL)
    # Encode form, Now includes pre define list. for easy access.
    # KeyParser was rebuild without C# code. pure pinvoke method.
    # Also, Error handle method was changed
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    going to be my new update. ..
    encode box, now have all SKU. [REF] -- [EDITION, DESCRIPTION]


    this is list source.
    to make this list, took me couple hours.

    # Create a hash table for key-ref pairs with integer references
    $KeysText = @{
         152 = "ServerHyper, Hyper-V ProdAct All Programs"
         170 = "OCUR, Windows 7 OCUR Retail"
        1058 = "ServerWeb, WinServer Next ServerWeb OEM:DM"
        1059 = "ServerWeb, WinServer Next ServerWeb OEM:SLP"
        1060 = "ServerWeb, WinServer Next ServerWeb OEM:NONSLP"
        1061 = "ServerWeb, WinServer Next ServerWeb OEM:COA"
        1068 = "ServerStorageWorkgroup, WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:DM"
        1069 = "ServerStorageStandard, WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard OEM:DM"
        1291 = "ServerStorageWorkgroup, WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup Retail:TB:Eval"
        1292 = "ServerStorageWorkgroup, WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:SLP"
        1293 = "ServerStorageWorkgroup, WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:NONSLP"
        1294 = "ServerStorageWorkgroup, WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:COA"
        1295 = "ServerStorageStandard, WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard Retail:TB:Eval"
        1296 = "ServerStorageStandard, WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard OEM:SLP"
        1297 = "ServerStorageStandard, WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard OEM:NONSLP"
        1298 = "ServerStorageStandard, WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard OEM:COA"
        1345 = "ServerWeb, WinServer Next ServerWeb Retail"
        1346 = "ServerWeb, WinServer Next ServerWeb Retail:TB:Eval"
        1347 = "ServerWeb, WinServer Next ServerWeb Volume:MAK"
        1348 = "ServerWeb, WinServer Next ServerWeb Volume:GVLK"
        1777 = "CoreN, Win 8 RTM CoreN Retail"
        1778 = "Core, Win 8 RTM Core Retail"
        1780 = "ProfessionalN, Win 8 RTM ProfessionalN Retail"
        1781 = "Professional, Win 8 RTM Professional Retail"
        1782 = "ProfessionalWMC, Win 8 RTM ProfessionalWMC Retail"
        1783 = "EnterpriseNEval, Win 8 RTM EnterpriseNEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        1784 = "EnterpriseEval, Win 8 RTM EnterpriseEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        1785 = "Professional;ProfessionalN;Enterprise;EnterpriseN, Win 8 RTM Professional;ProfessionalN;Enterprise;EnterpriseN Volume:MAK"
        1786 = "ProfessionalN, Win 8 RTM ProfessionalN Volume:GVLK"
        1787 = "Professional, Win 8 RTM Professional Volume:GVLK"
        1788 = "EnterpriseN, Win 8 RTM EnterpriseN Volume:GVLK"
        1789 = "Enterprise, Win 8 RTM Enterprise Volume:GVLK"
        1790 = "CoreN, Win 8 RTM CoreN OEM:DM"
        1791 = "CoreN, Win 8 RTM CoreN OEM:NONSLP"
        1792 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 8 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:DM"
        1793 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 8 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:NONSLP"
        1794 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 8 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM"
        1795 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 8 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:NONSLP"
        1796 = "Core, Win 8 RTM Core OEM:DM"
        1797 = "Core, Win 8 RTM Core OEM:NONSLP"
        1798 = "ProfessionalN, Win 8 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:DM"
        1799 = "ProfessionalN, Win 8 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:NONSLP"
        1801 = "Professional, Win 8 RTM Professional OEM:DM"
        1802 = "Professional, Win 8 RTM Professional OEM:NONSLP"
        1805 = "APPXLOB-Client, Win 8 RTM APPXLOB-Client Volume:MAK"
        1807 = "ProfessionalN, Win 8 RTM ProfessionalN Retail"
        1808 = "Professional, Win 8 RTM Professional Retail"
        1809 = "ProfessionalWMC, Win 8 RTM ProfessionalWMC Retail"
        1810 = "ProfessionalWMC, Win 8 RTM ProfessionalWMC Retail"
        1812 = "ServerMultiPointStandard, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointStandard OEM:SLP"
        1813 = "ServerMultiPointStandard, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointStandard OEM:NONSLP"
        1814 = "ServerMultiPointStandard, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointStandard Volume:GVLK"
        1815 = "ServerMultiPointStandard, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointStandard Retail"
        1816 = "ServerMultiPointStandard, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointStandard Retail:TB:Eval"
        1817 = "ServerMultiPointStandard, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointStandard Volume:MAK"
        1818 = "ServerMultiPointPremium, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointPremium OEM:SLP"
        1819 = "ServerMultiPointPremium, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointPremium OEM:NONSLP"
        1820 = "ServerMultiPointPremium, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointPremium Volume:GVLK"
        1821 = "ServerMultiPointPremium, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointPremium Retail"
        1822 = "ServerMultiPointPremium, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointPremium Retail:TB:Eval"
        1823 = "ServerMultiPointPremium, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointPremium Volume:MAK"
        1824 = "ServerMultiPointStandard, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointStandard OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1825 = "ServerMultiPointStandard, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointStandard OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1826 = "ServerMultiPointPremium, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointPremium OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1827 = "ServerMultiPointPremium, MultiPoint Server 2012 RTM ServerMultiPointPremium OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1828 = "ServerStorageStandard, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageStandard OEM:SLP"
        1829 = "ServerStorageStandard, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageStandard OEM:NONSLP"
        1830 = "ServerStorageStandard, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageStandard Retail"
        1831 = "ServerStorageStandard, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageStandard Volume:MAK"
        1832 = "ServerStorageStandardEval, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        1833 = "ServerStorageWorkgroup, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:SLP"
        1834 = "ServerStorageWorkgroup, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:NONSLP"
        1835 = "ServerStorageWorkgroup, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageWorkgroup Retail"
        1836 = "ServerStorageWorkgroup, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageWorkgroup Volume:MAK"
        1837 = "ServerStorageWorkgroupEval, Storage Server 2012 RTM ServerStorageWorkgroupEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        1838 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerStandard Retail"
        1839 = "ServerStandardEval, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        1840 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP"
        1841 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP"
        1842 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerStandard Volume:MAK"
        1843 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerStandard Volume:GVLK"
        1844 = "ServerDatacenterEval, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerDatacenterEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        1845 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP"
        1846 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP"
        1847 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerDatacenter Retail"
        1848 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:MAK"
        1849 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:GVLK"
        1850 = "ServerWinFoundation, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerWinFoundation OEM:SLP"
        1851 = "ServerWinFoundation, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerWinFoundation OEM:NONSLP"
        1852 = "ServerWinFoundation, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerWinFoundation Retail"
        1853 = "APPXLOB-Server, Windows Server 2012 RTM APPXLOB-Server Volume:MAK"
        1854 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1855 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1856 = "ServerWinFoundation, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerWinFoundation OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1857 = "ServerWinFoundation, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerWinFoundation OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1858 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerStandard Volume:MAK (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1859 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2012 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:MAK (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        1860 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2012 RTM ServerSolution OEM:SLP"
        1861 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2012 RTM ServerSolution OEM:NONSLP"
        1862 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2012 RTM ServerSolution Retail"
        1863 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2012 RTM ServerSolution Volume:MAK"
        1864 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2012 RTM ServerSolution Retail:TB:Eval"
        1865 = "CoreARM, Win 8 RTM CoreARM OEM:DM"
        1876 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedA Retail:TB:Eval"
        1877 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedA Retail"
        1878 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedA Retail"
        1879 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedA Retail"
        1880 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedA Retail"
        1881 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedA Retail"
        1882 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedA Retail:TB:Eval"
        1883 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedA Retail:TB:Eval"
        1884 = "EmbeddedE, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail:TB:Eval"
        1885 = "EmbeddedE, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail"
        1886 = "EmbeddedE, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail"
        1887 = "EmbeddedE, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail"
        1888 = "EmbeddedE, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail"
        1904 = "CoreN, Win 8 RTM CoreN Volume:GVLK"
        1905 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 8 RTM CoreCountrySpecific Volume:GVLK"
        1906 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 8 RTM CoreSingleLanguage Volume:GVLK"
        1907 = "Core, Win 8 RTM Core Volume:GVLK"
        1908 = "ProfessionalWMC, Win 8 RTM ProfessionalWMC Volume:GVLK"
        1909 = "CoreARM, Win 8 RTM CoreARM Volume:GVLK"
        1910 = "CoreARM, Win 8 RTM CoreARM Retail"
        1911 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 8 RTM CoreCountrySpecific Retail"
        1912 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 8 RTM CoreSingleLanguage Retail"
        1913 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 8 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM"
        1914 = "Core, Win 8 RTM Core OEM:DM"
        1915 = "Professional, Win 8 RTM Professional OEM:DM"
        1916 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, Windows Embedded Industry 8 TAP-CTP"
        1917 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, Windows Embedded Industry 8 TAP-CTP"
        1918 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, Windows Embedded Industry 8 TAP-CTP"
        1919 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, Windows Embedded Industry 8 TAP-CTP"
        1920 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, Windows Embedded Industry 8 TAP-CTP"
        1921 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_PIN"
        1922 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN2"
        1923 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN1"
        1924 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN3"
        1925 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN4"
        1926 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN5"
        1927 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN6"
        1928 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN7"
        1929 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN8"
        1930 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN9"
        1931 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN10"
        1932 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN11"
        1933 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN12"
        1934 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN13"
        1935 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN14"
        1936 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN15"
        1937 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN16"
        1938 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN17"
        1939 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN18"
        1940 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN19"
        1993 = "Office16_MondoR_Subscription"
        1994 = "Office16_MondoR_SubTest"
        1995 = "Office16_MondoR_SubTrial"
        2007 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_Grace"
        2008 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_Subscription1"
        2009 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_Subscription2"
        2010 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_Subscription3"
        2011 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_Subscription4"
        2012 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_Subscription5"
        2013 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTest1"
        2014 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTest2"
        2015 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTest3"
        2016 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTest4"
        2017 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTest5"
        2018 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTrial1"
        2019 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTrial2"
        2020 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTrial3"
        2021 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTrial4"
        2022 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_SubTrial5"
        2023 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_Grace"
        2025 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_Subscription1"
        2026 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_Subscription2"
        2027 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_Subscription3"
        2028 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_Subscription4"
        2029 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_Subscription5"
        2030 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_SubTrial1"
        2031 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_SubTrial2"
        2032 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_SubTrial3"
        2033 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_SubTrial4"
        2034 = "Office16_O365ProPlusR_SubTrial5"
        2035 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_Grace"
        2037 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_Subscription1"
        2038 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_Subscription2"
        2039 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_Subscription3"
        2040 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_Subscription4"
        2041 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_Subscription5"
        2042 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_SubTrial1"
        2043 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_SubTrial2"
        2044 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_SubTrial3"
        2045 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_SubTrial4"
        2046 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremR_SubTrial5"
        2131 = "Office16_ProjectProCO365R_Subscription"
        2132 = "Office16_ProjectProCO365R_SubTest"
        2133 = "Office16_ProjectProCO365R_SubTrial"
        2136 = "Office16_ProjectProO365R_Subscription"
        2137 = "Office16_ProjectProO365R_SubTest"
        2138 = "Office16_ProjectProO365R_SubTrial"
        2147 = "Office16_ProjectStdCO365R_Subscription"
        2148 = "Office16_ProjectStdCO365R_SubTest"
        2149 = "Office16_ProjectStdCO365R_SubTrial"
        2150 = "Office16_ProjectStdO365R_Subscription"
        2151 = "Office16_ProjectStdO365R_SubTest"
        2152 = "Office16_ProjectStdO365R_SubTrial"
        2182 = "Office16_VisioProCO365R_Subscription"
        2183 = "Office16_VisioProCO365R_SubTest"
        2184 = "Office16_VisioProCO365R_SubTrial"
        2187 = "Office16_VisioProO365R_Subscription"
        2188 = "Office16_VisioProO365R_SubTest"
        2189 = "Office16_VisioProO365R_SubTrial"
        2196 = "Office16_VisioStdCO365R_Subscription"
        2197 = "Office16_VisioStdCO365R_SubTest"
        2198 = "Office16_VisioStdCO365R_SubTrial"
        2199 = "Office16_VisioStdO365R_Subscription"
        2200 = "Office16_VisioStdO365R_SubTest"
        2201 = "Office16_VisioStdO365R_SubTrial"
        2217 = "CoreARM, Win 8 RTM CoreARM OEM:DM"
        2220 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta Embedded Retail:TB:Eval"
        2221 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta Embedded Retail:TB:Eval"
        2222 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta Embedded Retail:TB:Eval"
        2223 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta Embedded Retail"
        2224 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta Embedded OEM:DM"
        2225 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta Embedded OEM:NONSLP"
        2226 = "APPXLOB-Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta APPXLOB-Embedded Volume:MAK"
        2227 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta EmbeddedA Retail:TB:Eval"
        2228 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta EmbeddedA OEM:DM"
        2229 = "EmbeddedA, Windows Embedded Standard 8 Beta EmbeddedA OEM:NONSLP"
        2240 = "CoreARM, Win 8 RTM CoreARM OEM:NONSLP"
        2247 = "EmbeddedIndustry, POSReady 8 Beta EmbeddedIndustry OEM:NONSLP"
        2248 = "EmbeddedIndustry, POSReady 8 Beta EmbeddedIndustry Retail:TB:Eval"
        2249 = "EmbeddedIndustry, POSReady 8 Beta EmbeddedIndustry Retail"
        2250 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, POSReady 8 Beta EmbeddedIndustryE Retail"
        2251 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, POSReady 8 Beta EmbeddedIndustryE Volume:GVLK"
        2252 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, POSReady 8 Beta EmbeddedIndustryE Volume:MAK"
        2253 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, POSReady 8 Beta EmbeddedIndustryE Retail:TB:Eval"
        2263 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM Embedded Retail:TB:Eval"
        2264 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM Embedded Retail:TB:Eval"
        2265 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM Embedded Retail:TB:Eval"
        2266 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM Embedded Retail"
        2267 = "APPXLOB-Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM APPXLOB-Embedded OEM:NONSLP"
        2268 = "APPXLOB-Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM APPXLOB-Embedded Retail:TB:Eval"
        2269 = "APPXLOB-Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM APPXLOB-Embedded Volume:MAK"
        2270 = "APPXLOB-Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM APPXLOB-Embedded Volume:MAK"
        2271 = "APPXLOB-Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM APPXLOB-Embedded Volume:MAK"
        2272 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM Embedded OEM:NONSLP"
        2273 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM Embedded OEM:NONSLP"
        2274 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM Embedded OEM:DM"
        2275 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM Embedded OEM:DM"
        2276 = "Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 8 RTM Embedded Retail"
        2277 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2012 RTM ServerSolution Volume:GVLK"
        2296 = "EmbeddedIndustry, Windows Embedded Industry 8 RTM EmbeddedIndustry Volume:GVLK"
        2305 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, Windows Embedded Industry 8 RTM EmbeddedIndustryE Volume:GVLK"
        2316 = "ServerCloudStorage, ServerCloudStorage Next Beta ServerCloudStorage OEM:SLP"
        2317 = "ServerCloudStorage, ServerCloudStorage Next Beta ServerCloudStorage OEM:NONSLP"
        2527 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard Volume:GVLK"
        2535 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:GVLK"
        2541 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard VT:IA"
        2542 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter VT:IA"
        2546 = "ServerCloudStorage, ServerCloudStorage 12 R2 RTM ServerCloudStorage Volume:GVLK"
        2584 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution Volume:GVLK"
        2585 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution VT:IA"
        2607 = "Core, Win 8.1 RTM Core Volume:GVLK"
        2609 = "CoreARM, Win 8.1 RTM CoreARM Volume:GVLK"
        2610 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 8.1 RTM CoreCountrySpecific Volume:GVLK"
        2611 = "CoreN, Win 8.1 RTM CoreN Volume:GVLK"
        2612 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Core Single Language"
        2613 = "Enterprise, Win 8.1 RTM Enterprise Volume:GVLK"
        2614 = "EnterpriseN, Win 8.1 RTM EnterpriseN Volume:GVLK"
        2615 = "Professional, Win 8.1 RTM Professional Volume:GVLK"
        2616 = "ProfessionalN, Win 8.1 RTM Professional N Volume:GVLK"
        2617 = "ProfessionalWMC, Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalWMC Volume:GVLK"
        2640 = "EmbeddedIndustry, Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry Volume:GVLK"
        2647 = "EmbeddedIndustryE, Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryE Volume:GVLK"
        2654 = "EmbeddedIndustryA, Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryA Volume:GVLK"
        2656 = "Office16_O365BusinessR_Grace"
        2658 = "Office16_O365BusinessR_Subscription"
        2659 = "Office16_O365BusinessR_SubTrial"
        2660 = "Office16_O365BusinessR_SubTest"
        2661 = "Office16_PersonalPipcR_Grace"
        2662 = "Office16_PersonalPipcR_OEM_Perp"
        2663 = "Office16_HomeBusinessPipcR_Grace"
        2664 = "Office16_HomeBusinessPipcR_OEM_Perp"
        2665 = "Office16_ProfessionalPipcR_Grace"
        2666 = "Office16_ProfessionalPipcR_OEM_Perp"
        2671 = "CoreConnected, Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnected Volume:GVLK"
        2675 = "CoreConnectedN, Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnected N Volume:GVLK"
        2680 = "ProfessionalStudent, Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudent Volume:GVLK"
        2684 = "ProfessionalStudentN, Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudent N Volume:GVLK"
        2688 = "CoreConnectedSingleLanguage, Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedSingleLanguage Volume:GVLK"
        2691 = "CoreConnectedCountrySpecific, Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedCountrySpecific Volume:GVLK"
        2829 = "Office16_PersonalPipcR_PIN"
        2830 = "Office16_HomeBusinessPipcR_PIN"
        2831 = "Office16_ProfessionalPipcR_PIN"
        2832 = "Office16_SkypeServiceBypassR_PrepidBypass"
        2960 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN21"
        2961 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN22"
        2962 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN23"
        2963 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_PIN"
        2964 = "Office16_ProfessionalR_PIN"
        2965 = "Office16_HomeStudentR_PIN"
        2966 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN24"
        2967 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN25"
        2968 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN26"
        2969 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN27"
        2970 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN28"
        2971 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN29"
        2972 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN30"
        2973 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN31"
        2974 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN32"
        2975 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN33"
        2976 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN34"
        2977 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN35"
        2978 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN36"
        2979 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN37"
        3002 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN38"
        3003 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN39"
        3004 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN40"
        3005 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN41"
        3006 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN42"
        3007 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN43"
        3008 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN44"
        3009 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN45"
        3010 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN46"
        3011 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN47"
        3012 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN48"
        3013 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN49"
        3014 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN50"
        3015 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN51"
        3016 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN52"
        3017 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN53"
        3018 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN54"
        3019 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN55"
        3020 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN56"
        3021 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN57"
        3022 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN58"
        3023 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN59"
        3024 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN60"
        3025 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN61"
        3026 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN62"
        3027 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN63"
        3028 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN64"
        3029 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN65"
        3030 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN66"
        3031 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN67"
        3032 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN68"
        3033 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN69"
        3034 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN70"
        3035 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN71"
        3036 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN72"
        3037 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN73"
        3038 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN74"
        3039 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN75"
        3040 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN76"
        3041 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN77"
        3042 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN78"
        3043 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN79"
        3044 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN80"
        3045 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN81"
        3046 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN82"
        3047 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN83"
        3048 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN84"
        3049 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN85"
        3050 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN86"
        3051 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN87"
        3052 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN88"
        3053 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN89"
        3054 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN90"
        3055 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN91"
        3056 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN92"
        3057 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN93"
        3058 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN94"
        3059 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN95"
        3060 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN96"
        3061 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN97"
        3062 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN98"
        3063 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN99"
        3064 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN100"
        3065 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN101"
        3066 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN102"
        3067 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN103"
        3068 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN104"
        3069 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN105"
        3070 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN106"
        3071 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN107"
        3072 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN108"
        3073 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN109"
        3074 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN110"
        3075 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN111"
        3076 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN112"
        3077 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN113"
        3078 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN114"
        3079 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN115"
        3080 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN116"
        3081 = "Office16_O365HomePremR_PIN117"
        3258 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core OEM:DM"
        3259 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core OEM:DM"
        3260 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core OEM:NONSLP"
        3261 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core Retail"
        3262 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core Retail"
        3263 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core Volume:GVLK"
        3264 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 10 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:DM"
        3265 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 10 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:NONSLP"
        3266 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 10 RTM CoreCountrySpecific Retail"
        3267 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 10 RTM CoreCountrySpecific Volume:GVLK"
        3268 = "CoreN, Win 10 RTM CoreN OEM:DM"
        3269 = "CoreN, Win 10 RTM CoreN OEM:NONSLP"
        3270 = "CoreN, Win 10 RTM CoreN Retail"
        3271 = "CoreN, Win 10 RTM CoreN Retail"
        3272 = "CoreN, Win 10 RTM CoreN Volume:GVLK"
        3273 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 10 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM"
        3274 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 10 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM"
        3275 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 10 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:NONSLP"
        3276 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 10 RTM CoreSingleLanguage Retail"
        3277 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 10 RTM CoreSingleLanguage Volume:GVLK"
        3278 = "Education, Win 10 RTM Education OEM:DM"
        3279 = "Education, Win 10 RTM Education OEM:NONSLP"
        3280 = "Education, Win 10 RTM Education Retail"
        3281 = "Education, Win 10 RTM Education Volume:GVLK"
        3282 = "Education, Win 10 RTM Education Volume:MAK"
        3283 = "EducationN, Win 10 RTM EducationN OEM:DM"
        3284 = "EducationN, Win 10 RTM EducationN OEM:NONSLP"
        3285 = "EducationN, Win 10 RTM EducationN Retail"
        3286 = "EducationN, Win 10 RTM EducationN Volume:GVLK"
        3287 = "EducationN, Win 10 RTM EducationN Volume:MAK"
        3288 = "Enterprise, Win 10 RTM Enterprise OEM:DM"
        3289 = "Enterprise, Win 10 RTM Enterprise OEM:NONSLP"
        3290 = "Enterprise, Win 10 RTM Enterprise Volume:GVLK"
        3291 = "Enterprise, Win 10 RTM Enterprise Volume:MAK"
        3292 = "EnterpriseEval, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        3299 = "EnterpriseN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseN Volume:GVLK"
        3300 = "EnterpriseN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseN Volume:MAK"
        3301 = "EnterpriseNEval, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseNEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        3302 = "EnterpriseSN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseSN Volume:GVLK"
        3303 = "EnterpriseSN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseSN Volume:MAK"
        3304 = "PPIPro, Win 10 RTM PPIPro OEM:NONSLP"
        3305 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional OEM:DM"
        3306 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional OEM:DM"
        3307 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional OEM:NONSLP"
        3308 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional Retail"
        3309 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional Retail"
        3310 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional Retail"
        3311 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional Volume:GVLK"
        3312 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional Volume:MAK"
        3313 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional Volume:MAK"
        3314 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:DM"
        3315 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:NONSLP"
        3316 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN Retail"
        3317 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN Retail"
        3318 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN Retail"
        3319 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN Volume:GVLK"
        3320 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN Volume:MAK"
        3321 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN Volume:MAK"
        3322 = "Office16_AccessR_OEM_Perp"
        3323 = "Office16_AccessR_Retail"
        3324 = "Office16_AccessR_Trial"
        3325 = "Office16_AccessRuntimeR_PrepidBypass"
        3326 = "Office16_AccessVL_KMS_Client"
        3327 = "Office16_AccessVL_MAK"
        3328 = "Office16_ExcelR_OEM_Perp"
        3329 = "Office16_ExcelR_Retail"
        3330 = "Office16_ExcelR_Trial"
        3331 = "Office16_ExcelVL_KMS_Client"
        3332 = "Office16_ExcelVL_MAK"
        3333 = "Office16_HomeBusinessDemoR_BypassTrial365"
        3334 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_OEM_Perp"
        3335 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_Retail3"
        3336 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_Trial2"
        3339 = "Office16_HomeStudentDemoR_BypassTrial180"
        3340 = "Office16_HomeStudentPlusARMPreInstallR_OEM_ARM"
        3341 = "Office16_HomeStudentARMPreInstallR_OEM_ARM"
        3342 = "Office16_HomeStudentR_OEM_Perp"
        3343 = "Office16_HomeStudentR_Retail"
        3344 = "Office16_HomeStudentR_Trial"
        3348 = "Office16_MondoR_OEM_Perp"
        3349 = "Office16_MondoR_Retail"
        3350 = "Office16_MondoR_Trial"
        3351 = "Office16_MondoR_Subscription2"
        3352 = "Office16_MondoR_SubTrial2"
        3353 = "Office16_MondoVL_KMS_Client"
        3354 = "Office16_MondoVL_MAK"
        3359 = "Office16_OfficeLPK_Bypass"
        3360 = "Office16_OneNoteFreeR_Bypass"
        3361 = "Office16_OneNoteR_OEM_Perp"
        3362 = "Office16_OneNoteR_Retail"
        3363 = "Office16_OneNoteR_Trial"
        3364 = "Office16_OneNoteVL_KMS_Client"
        3365 = "Office16_OneNoteVL_MAK"
        3366 = "Office16_OutlookR_OEM_Perp"
        3367 = "Office16_OutlookR_Retail"
        3368 = "Office16_OutlookVL_KMS_Client"
        3369 = "Office16_OutlookVL_MAK"
        3370 = "Office16_PowerPointR_OEM_Perp"
        3371 = "Office16_PowerPointR_Retail"
        3372 = "Office16_PowerPointVL_KMS_Client"
        3373 = "Office16_PowerPointVL_MAK"
        3374 = "Office16_ProfessionalR_OEM_Perp"
        3375 = "Office16_ProjectLPK_Bypass"
        3376 = "Office16_ProjectProDemoR_BypassTrial180"
        3377 = "Office16_ProjectProR_OEM_Perp"
        3378 = "Office16_ProjectProR_Retail"
        3379 = "Office16_ProjectProR_Trial"
        3380 = "Office16_ProjectProVL_KMS_Client"
        3381 = "Office16_ProjectProVL_MAK"
        3383 = "Office16_ProjectStdR_OEM_Perp"
        3384 = "Office16_ProjectStdR_Retail"
        3385 = "Office16_ProjectStdVL_KMS_Client"
        3386 = "Office16_ProjectStdVL_MAK"
        3387 = "Office16_ProPlusDemoR_BypassTrial180"
        3388 = "Office16_ProPlusR_OEM_Perp2"
        3389 = "Office16_ProPlusR_Retail"
        3390 = "Office16_ProPlusR_Trial"
        3391 = "Office16_ProPlusVL_KMS_Client"
        3392 = "Office16_ProPlusVL_MAK"
        3393 = "Office16_PTK_Bypass"
        3394 = "Office16_PublisherR_OEM_Perp"
        3395 = "Office16_PublisherR_Retail"
        3396 = "Office16_PublisherR_Trial"
        3397 = "Office16_PublisherVL_KMS_Client"
        3398 = "Office16_PublisherVL_MAK"
        3400 = "Office16_SkypeforBusinessEntryR_PrepidBypass"
        3401 = "Office16_SkypeforBusinessR_Retail"
        3402 = "Office16_SkypeforBusinessR_Trial"
        3403 = "Office16_SkypeforBusinessVDI_Bypass"
        3404 = "Office16_SkypeforBusinessVL_KMS_Client"
        3405 = "Office16_SkypeforBusinessVL_MAK"
        3406 = "Office16_StandardR_Retail"
        3407 = "Office16_StandardR_Trial"
        3408 = "Office16_StandardVL_KMS_Client"
        3409 = "Office16_StandardVL_MAK"
        3410 = "Office16_VisioLPK_Bypass"
        3411 = "Office16_VisioProDemoR_BypassTrial180"
        3412 = "Office16_VisioProR_OEM_Perp"
        3413 = "Office16_VisioProR_Retail"
        3414 = "Office16_VisioProR_Trial"
        3415 = "Office16_VisioProVL_KMS_Client"
        3416 = "Office16_VisioProVL_MAK"
        3417 = "Office16_VisioStdR_OEM_Perp"
        3418 = "Office16_VisioStdR_Retail"
        3419 = "Office16_VisioStdVL_KMS_Client"
        3420 = "Office16_VisioStdVL_MAK"
        3421 = "Office16_WordR_OEM_Perp"
        3422 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core OEM:DM"
        3423 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 10 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:DM"
        3424 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 10 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM"
        3425 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional OEM:DM"
        3426 = "Office16_WordR_Retail"
        3427 = "Office16_WordR_Trial"
        3428 = "Office16_WordVL_KMS_Client"
        3429 = "Office16_WordVL_MAK"
        3432 = "Office16_WordR_Grace"
        3433 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_Retail2"
        3434 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_Retail"
        3435 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_OEM_Perp4"
        3436 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_OEM_Perp2"
        3437 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_OEM_Perp3"
        3438 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_Grace"
        3439 = "Office16_HomeBusinessR_Trial"
        3441 = "Office16_AccessR_Grace"
        3442 = "Office16_HomeStudentR_Grace"
        3443 = "Office16_HomeStudentR_Trial2"
        3445 = "Office16_MondoR_Grace"
        3446 = "Office16_MondoR_BypassTrial180"
        3447 = "Office16_MondoR_SubTest2"
        3452 = "Office16_OneNoteR_Grace"
        3453 = "Office16_OutlookR_Grace"
        3454 = "Office16_PowerPointR_Grace"
        3455 = "Office16_ProjectProR_Grace"
        3456 = "Office16_ProjectProR_Retail2"
        3458 = "Office16_ProjectStdR_Grace"
        3459 = "Office16_ProPlusR_OEM_Perp6"
        3460 = "Office16_ProPlusR_OEM_Perp4"
        3461 = "Office16_ProPlusR_OEM_Perp"
        3462 = "Office16_ProPlusR_OEM_Perp3"
        3463 = "Office16_ProPlusR_OEM_Perp5"
        3464 = "Office16_ProPlusR_Grace"
        3465 = "Office16_PublisherR_Grace"
        3466 = "Office16_SkypeforBusinessR_Grace"
        3467 = "Office16_StandardR_Grace"
        3468 = "Office16_VisioProR_Grace"
        3469 = "Office16_VisioStdR_Grace"
        3470 = "Office16_ExcelR_Grace"
        3471 = "Office16_VisioProR_Retail2"
        3504 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core Retail"
        3505 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core Retail"
        3506 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional Retail"
        3507 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional Retail"
        3510 = "ServerARM64, Windows Server Next Beta ServerARM64 Retail"
        3511 = "Office16_ProPlusR_Trial2"
        3513 = "Office16_ProPlusMSDNR_Retail"
        3514 = "Office16_ProfessionalR_Grace"
        3515 = "Office16_ProfessionalDemoR_BypassTrial180"
        3516 = "Office16_ProfessionalR_Trial"
        3517 = "Office16_ProfessionalR_Retail"
        3519 = "Office16_ProjectProMSDNR_Retail"
        3520 = "Office16_VisioProMSDNR_Retail"
        3521 = "Office16_StandardMSDNR_Retail"
        3522 = "Office16_PowerPointR_Trial"
        3523 = "Office16_PersonalR_Retail"
        3524 = "Office16_OutlookR_Trial"
        3525 = "Office16_WacServerLPK_Bypass"
        3527 = "Office16_PersonalDemoR_BypassTrial180"
        3528 = "Office16_PersonalR_Grace"
        3529 = "Office16_PersonalR_OEM_Perp"
        3532 = "Office16_PersonalR_Trial"
        3534 = "Office16_O365ProPlusDemoR_BypassTrial365"
        3535 = "Office16_O365HomePremDemoR_BypassTrial365"
        3536 = "Office16_O365SmallBusPremDemoR_BypassTrial365"
        3537 = "Office16_O365BusinessDemoR_BypassTrial365"
        3538 = "Office16_PersonalPipcDemoR_BypassTrial365"
        3539 = "Office16_HomeBusinessPipcDemoR_BypassTrial365"
        3540 = "Office16_MondoR_KMS_Automation"
        3556 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional OEM:DM"
        3557 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional OEM:DM"
        3558 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:DM"
        3559 = "ProfessionalN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:DM"
        3560 = "Core, Win 10 RTM Core OEM:DM"
        3561 = "CoreCountrySpecific, Win 10 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:DM"
        3562 = "CoreSingleLanguage, Win 10 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM"
        3563 = "Professional, Win 10 RTM Professional OEM:DM"
        3678 = "AnalogOneCore, Win 10 RTM AnalogOneCore Retail"
        3679 = "AnalogOneCoreEnterprise, Win 10 RTM AnalogOneCoreEnterprise Volume:MAK"
        3687 = "Office16_ProjectProXC2RVL_KMS_ClientC2R"
        3688 = "Office16_ProjectStdXC2RVL_KMS_ClientC2R"
        3689 = "Office16_VisioProXC2RVL_KMS_ClientC2R"
        3690 = "Office16_VisioStdXC2RVL_KMS_ClientC2R"
        3691 = "Office16_VisioProXC2RVL_MAKC2R"
        3692 = "Office16_VisioStdXC2RVL_MAKC2R"
        3693 = "Office16_ProjectProXC2RVL_MAKC2R"
        3694 = "Office16_ProjectStdXC2RVL_MAKC2R"
        3720 = "IoTUAP, Win 10 RTM IoTUAP Retail"
        3721 = "IoTUAPCommercial, Win 10 RTM IoTUAPCommercial Volume:MAK"
        3728 = "CoreSystemServer, Windows Server 12 R2 RTM CoreSystemServer Retail"
        3732 = "ServerDatacenterNano, Windows Server Next RTM ServerDatacenterNano Retail"
        3733 = "ServerStandardNano, Windows Server Next RTM ServerStandardNano Retail"
        3734 = "Office16_HomeStudentVNextR_Retail"
        3735 = "Office16_HomeStudentVNextR_Grace"
        3736 = "Office16_HomeStudentVNextR_Trial"
        3747 = "ServerCloudStorage, ServerCloudStorage 2016 RTM ServerCloudStorage Volume:GVLK"
        3760 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2016 RTM ServerSolution Volume:GVLK"
        3764 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2016 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:GVLK"
        3776 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2016 RTM ServerStandard Volume:GVLK"
        3782 = "EnterpriseS, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseS Volume:GVLK"
        3783 = "EnterpriseSN, Win 10 RTM Enterprise SN Volume:GVLK"
        3784 = "ProfessionalEducation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducation Volume:GVLK"
        3785 = "ProfessionalEducationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducationN Volume:GVLK"
        3786 = "ProfessionalEducation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducation Volume:MAK"
        3787 = "ProfessionalEducationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducationN Volume:MAK"
        3788 = "ServerAzureNano, Windows Server 2016 RTM ServerAzureNano Retail"
        3792 = "ProfessionalEducation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducation OEM:DM"
        3793 = "ProfessionalEducation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducation OEM:NONSLP"
        3794 = "ProfessionalEducationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducationN OEM:DM"
        3795 = "ProfessionalEducationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducationN OEM:NONSLP"
        3798 = "ProfessionalWorkstation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstation Retail"
        3799 = "ProfessionalWorkstationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstationN Retail"
        3800 = "ProfessionalEducation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducation Retail"
        3801 = "ProfessionalEducationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalEducationN Retail"
        3803 = "EnterpriseSN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseSN Volume:MAK"
        3807 = "EnterpriseS, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseS OEM:NONSLP"
        3839 = "ServerAzureCor, Windows Server 2016 RTM ServerAzureCor Volume:GVLK"
        3846 = "Office16_O365ProPlusE5R_Subscription"
        3847 = "Office16_O365ProPlusE5R_SubTrial"
        3848 = "Office16_O365ProPlusEDUR_Subscription"
        3849 = "Office16_O365ProPlusEDUR_SubTrial"
        3854 = "EnterpriseG, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseG OEM:DM"
        3855 = "EnterpriseG, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseG OEM:NONSLP"
        3856 = "EnterpriseG, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseG Volume:GVLK"
        3857 = "EnterpriseG, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseG Volume:MAK"
        3859 = "EnterpriseGN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseGN OEM:DM"
        3860 = "EnterpriseGN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseGN OEM:NONSLP"
        3861 = "EnterpriseGN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseGN Volume:GVLK"
        3862 = "EnterpriseGN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseGN Volume:MAK"
        3865 = "Cloud, Win 10 RTM Cloud Retail"
        3868 = "CloudN, Win 10 RTM Cloud N Retail"
        3876 = "Office16_O365EduCloudEDUR_Grace"
        3877 = "Office16_O365EduCloudEDUR_Subscription"
        3878 = "Office16_O365EduCloudEDUR_SubTrial"
        3892 = "ServerRdsh, Windows Server Next Beta ServerRdsh Retail"
        3893 = "ServerRdsh, Windows Server Next Beta ServerRdsh OEM:NONSLP"
        3894 = "ServerRdsh, Windows Server Next Beta ServerRdsh OEM:SLP"
        3895 = "ServerRdsh, Windows Server Next Beta ServerRdsh Volume:GVLK"
        3896 = "ServerRdsh, Windows Server Next Beta ServerRdsh Volume:MAK"
        3915 = "ProfessionalWorkstation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstation OEM:DM"
        3916 = "ProfessionalWorkstation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstation OEM:NONSLP"
        3917 = "ProfessionalWorkstation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstation Retail"
        3918 = "ProfessionalWorkstation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstation Volume:GVLK"
        3919 = "ProfessionalWorkstation, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstation Volume:MAK"
        3920 = "ProfessionalWorkstationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstationN OEM:DM"
        3921 = "ProfessionalWorkstationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstationN OEM:NONSLP"
        3922 = "ProfessionalWorkstationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstationN Retail"
        3923 = "ProfessionalWorkstationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstationN Volume:GVLK"
        3924 = "ProfessionalWorkstationN, Win 10 RTM ProfessionalWorkstationN Volume:MAK"
        3948 = "Office16_MondoR_O16ConsumerPerp_Bypass30"
        3949 = "Office16_MondoR_ConsumerSub_Bypass30"
        3950 = "Office16_MondoR_EnterpriseSub_Bypass30"
        3951 = "Office16_MondoR_O17EnterpriseVL_Bypass30"
        3952 = "Office16_MondoR_O16EnterpriseVL_Bypass30"
        3953 = "Office16_MondoR_ViewOnly_ZeroGrace"
        3955 = "ServerStandardACor, Windows Server 2016 RTM ServerStandardACor Volume:GVLK"
        3956 = "ServerDatacenterACor, Windows Server 2016 RTM ServerDatacenterACor Volume:GVLK"
        3979 = "Andromeda, Win 10 RTM Andromeda Retail"
        3987 = "ServerARM64, Windows Server 2016 RTM ServerARM64 Volume:GVLK"
        3988 = "OneCoreUpdateOS, Win 10 RTM OneCoreUpdateOS Retail"
        4024 = "Office19_Access2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4025 = "Office19_Access2019R_Retail"
        4026 = "Office19_Access2019R_Trial"
        4027 = "Office19_AccessRuntime2019R_PrepidBypass"
        4028 = "Office19_Access2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4029 = "Office19_Access2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4030 = "Office19_Excel2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4031 = "Office19_Excel2019R_Grace"
        4032 = "Office19_Excel2019R_Retail"
        4033 = "Office19_Excel2019R_Trial"
        4034 = "Office19_Excel2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4035 = "Office19_Excel2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4036 = "Office19_HomeBusiness2019DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4039 = "Office19_HomeBusiness2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4040 = "Office19_HomeBusiness2019R_OEM_Perp2"
        4041 = "Office19_HomeBusiness2019R_OEM_Perp4"
        4042 = "Office19_HomeBusiness2019R_OEM_Perp3"
        4043 = "Office19_HomeBusiness2019R_Grace"
        4044 = "Office19_HomeBusiness2019R_Retail"
        4045 = "Office19_HomeBusiness2019R_Trial"
        4050 = "Office19_HomeStudent2019DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4051 = "Office19_HomeStudentPlusARM2019PreInstallR_OEM_ARM"
        4052 = "Office19_HomeStudentARM2019PreInstallR_OEM_ARM"
        4053 = "Office19_HomeStudent2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4054 = "Office19_HomeStudent2019R_Grace"
        4055 = "Office19_HomeStudent2019R_Retail"
        4056 = "Office19_HomeStudent2019R_Trial"
        4083 = "Office19_OfficeLPK2019_Bypass"
        4091 = "Office19_Outlook2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4092 = "Office19_Outlook2019R_Trial"
        4093 = "Office19_Outlook2019R_Retail"
        4094 = "Office19_Outlook2019R_Grace"
        4095 = "Office19_Outlook2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4096 = "Office19_Outlook2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4097 = "Office19_Personal2019DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4098 = "Office19_Personal2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4099 = "Office19_Personal2019R_Trial"
        4100 = "Office19_Personal2019R_Retail"
        4101 = "Office19_Personal2019R_Grace"
        4102 = "Office19_PowerPoint2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4103 = "Office19_PowerPoint2019R_Trial"
        4104 = "Office19_PowerPoint2019R_Retail"
        4105 = "Office19_PowerPoint2019R_Grace"
        4106 = "Office19_PowerPoint2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4107 = "Office19_PowerPoint2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4108 = "Office19_Professional2019DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4109 = "Office19_Professional2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4110 = "Office19_Professional2019R_Trial"
        4111 = "Office19_Professional2019R_Retail"
        4112 = "Office19_Professional2019R_Grace"
        4113 = "Office19_ProjectLPK2019_Bypass"
        4114 = "Office19_ProjectPro2019DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4115 = "Office19_ProjectPro2019MSDNR_Retail"
        4116 = "Office19_ProjectPro2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4117 = "Office19_ProjectPro2019R_Trial"
        4118 = "Office19_ProjectPro2019R_Grace"
        4119 = "Office19_ProjectPro2019R_Retail"
        4120 = "Office19_ProjectPro2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4121 = "Office19_ProjectPro2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4125 = "Office19_ProjectStd2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4126 = "Office19_ProjectStd2019R_Grace"
        4127 = "Office19_ProjectStd2019R_Retail"
        4128 = "Office19_ProjectStd2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4129 = "Office19_ProjectStd2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4131 = "Office19_ProPlus2019DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4132 = "Office19_ProPlus2019MSDNR_Retail"
        4133 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_Trial"
        4134 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_Trial2"
        4135 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_Grace"
        4136 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_Retail"
        4137 = "Office19_Publisher2019R_Grace"
        4138 = "Office19_Publisher2019R_Retail"
        4139 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp6"
        4140 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4141 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp4"
        4142 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp2"
        4143 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp5"
        4144 = "Office19_ProPlus2019R_OEM_Perp3"
        4145 = "Office19_ProPlus2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4146 = "Office19_ProPlus2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4147 = "Office19_Publisher2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4148 = "Office19_Publisher2019R_Trial"
        4149 = "Office19_Publisher2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4150 = "Office19_Publisher2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4151 = "Office19_SkypeforBusiness2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4152 = "Office19_Standard2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4153 = "Office19_VisioPro2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4155 = "Office19_VisioStd2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4157 = "Office19_Word2019VL_MAK_AE"
        4158 = "Office19_SkypeforBusiness2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4159 = "Office19_Standard2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4160 = "Office19_VisioPro2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4161 = "Office19_VisioStd2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4162 = "Office19_Word2019VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4163 = "Office19_VisioPro2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4164 = "Office19_VisioStd2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4165 = "Office19_Word2019R_OEM_Perp"
        4167 = "Office19_SkypeforBusinessEntry2019R_PrepidBypass"
        4168 = "Office19_SkypeforBusiness2019R_Grace"
        4169 = "Office19_SkypeforBusiness2019R_Trial"
        4170 = "Office19_SkypeforBusiness2019R_Retail"
        4171 = "Office19_Standard2019R_Retail"
        4172 = "Office19_Standard2019R_Trial"
        4173 = "Office19_Standard2019R_Grace"
        4174 = "Office19_VisioPro2019R_Grace"
        4175 = "Office19_VisioPro2019R_Retail"
        4176 = "Office19_VisioPro2019DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4177 = "Office19_VisioPro2019MSDNR_Retail"
        4178 = "Office19_VisioLPK2019_Bypass"
        4179 = "Office19_Standard2019MSDNR_Retail"
        4180 = "Office19_VisioPro2019R_Trial"
        4181 = "Office19_VisioStd2019R_Grace"
        4182 = "Office19_VisioStd2019R_Retail"
        4183 = "Office19_Word2019R_Trial"
        4184 = "Office19_SkypeforBusinessVDI2019_Bypass"
        4185 = "Office19_Word2019R_Retail"
        4186 = "Office19_Word2019R_Grace"
        4187 = "Office19_PTK2019_Bypass"
        4191 = "Office19_WacServerLPK2019_Bypass"
        4214 = "Office19_Access2019R_Grace"
        4232 = "CloudE, Win 10 RTM CloudE OEM:DM"
        4234 = "CloudE, Win 10 RTM CloudE Retail"
        4244 = "CloudE, Win 10 RTM CloudE Volume:GVLK"
        4247 = "EnterpriseS, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseS OEM:DM"
        4248 = "EnterpriseS, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseS OEM:NONSLP"
        4249 = "EnterpriseS, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseS Volume:MAK"
        4250 = "EnterpriseS, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseS Volume:GVLK"
        4251 = "EnterpriseSEval, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseSEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4252 = "EnterpriseSN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseSN Volume:MAK"
        4253 = "EnterpriseSN, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseSN Volume:GVLK"
        4254 = "EnterpriseSNEval, Win 10 RTM EnterpriseSNEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4256 = "Andromeda, Win 10 RTM Andromeda OEM:DM"
        4257 = "HubOS, Win 10 RTM HubOS OEM:DM"
        4258 = "Andromeda, Win 10 RTM Andromeda Retail"
        4259 = "HubOS, Win 10 RTM HubOS Retail"
        4290 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard Retail"
        4291 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP"
        4292 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4293 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP"
        4294 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4295 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:DM"
        4296 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:DM (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4297 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard Volume:GVLK"
        4298 = "ServerStandard;ServerStandardACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard;ServerStandardACor Volume:MAK"
        4299 = "ServerStandard;ServerStandardACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard VT:IA"
        4300 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:GVLK"
        4301 = "ServerDatacenter;ServerDatacenterACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter;ServerDatacenterACor Volume:MAK"
        4302 = "ServerDatacenter;ServerDatacenterACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter VT:IA"
        4303 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP"
        4304 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4305 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP"
        4306 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4307 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter Retail"
        4308 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:DM"
        4309 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:DM"
        4310 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:DM (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4311 = "ServerStandardEval, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4312 = "ServerDatacenterEval, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4313 = "ServerStandardACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardACor Volume:GVLK"
        4314 = "ServerDatacenterACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterACor Volume:GVLK"
        4315 = "ServerStandardACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardACor Retail"
        4316 = "ServerDatacenterACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterACor Retail"
        4317 = "ServerStandardACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardACor Volume:MAK"
        4318 = "ServerDatacenterACor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterACor Volume:MAK"
        4319 = "ServerAzureCor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureCor Retail"
        4320 = "ServerAzureCor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureCor Volume:GVLK"
        4321 = "ServerAzureCor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureCor VT:IA"
        4322 = "ServerDatacenterCor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterCor Retail"
        4323 = "ServerDatacenterEvalCor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterEvalCor Retail:TB:Eval"
        4324 = "ServerStandardCor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardCor Retail"
        4325 = "ServerStandardEvalCor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardEvalCor Retail:TB:Eval"
        4326 = "ServerARM64, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerARM64 Volume:GVLK"
        4327 = "ServerRdsh, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerRdsh Volume:GVLK"
        4328 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution OEM:NONSLP"
        4329 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution OEM:SLP"
        4330 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution Retail"
        4331 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution Retail:TB:Eval"
        4332 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution Volume:GVLK"
        4333 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution Volume:MAK"
        4334 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution VT:IA"
        4335 = "ServerSolution, Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution OEM:DM"
        4361 = "Holographic, Win 10 RTM Holographic OEM:DM"
        4362 = "IoTEnterprise, Win 10 RTM IoTEnterprise OEM:DM"
        4363 = "IoTEnterprise, Win 10 RTM IoTEnterprise OEM:NONSLP"
        4364 = "IoTEnterpriseS, Win 10 RTM IoTEnterpriseS OEM:DM"
        4365 = "IoTEnterpriseS, Win 10 RTM IoTEnterpriseS OEM:NONSLP"
        4366 = "Lite, Win 10 RTM Lite Retail"
        4367 = "Lite, Win 10 RTM Lite OEM:DM"
        4368 = "Lite, Win 10 RTM Lite Retail"
        4456 = "ServerAzureStackHCICor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureStackHCICor VT:IA"
        4458 = "ServerAzureStackHCICor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureStackHCICor OEM:NONSLP"
        4459 = "ServerAzureStackHCICor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureStackHCICor OEM:SLP"
        4460 = "ServerAzureStackHCICor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureStackHCICor OEM:SLP"
        4462 = "ServerAzureStackHCICor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureStackHCICor Retail"
        4463 = "ServerAzureStackHCICor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureStackHCICor OEM:NONSLP"
        4464 = "ServerAzureStackHCICor, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerAzureStackHCICor Retail"
        4468 = "ServerTurbine, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerTurbine Retail"
        4469 = "ServerTurbine, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerTurbine Volume:GVLK"
        4470 = "ServerTurbine, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerTurbine VT:IA"
        4471 = "ServerTurbine, Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerTurbine Volume:MAK"
        4536 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard Retail"
        4537 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP"
        4538 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4539 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP"
        4540 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4541 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard Volume:GVLK"
        4542 = "ServerStandard;ServerStandardACor, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard;ServerStandardACor Volume:MAK"
        4543 = "ServerStandard;ServerStandardACor, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard;ServerStandardACor VT:IA"
        4544 = "ServerStandardEval, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4545 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard OEM:DM"
        4546 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:GVLK"
        4547 = "ServerDatacenter;ServerDatacenterACor;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter;ServerDatacenterACor;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021 Volume:MAK"
        4548 = "ServerDatacenter;ServerDatacenterACor, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter;ServerDatacenterACor VT:IA"
        4549 = "ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021 OEM:NONSLP"
        4550 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4551 = "ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021 OEM:SLP"
        4552 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4555 = "ServerDatacenterEval, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenterEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4556 = "ServerStandardACor, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandardACor Volume:GVLK"
        4557 = "ServerDatacenterACor, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenterACor Volume:GVLK"
        4560 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerStandard OEM:DM (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4561 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:DM (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4562 = "ServerAzureCor, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerAzureCor Volume:GVLK"
        4563 = "ServerAzureCor, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerAzureCor VT:IA"
        4565 = "ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021 Retail"
        4572 = "ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021, Windows Server 2021 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2021 OEM:DM"
        4591 = "Office21_Access2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4592 = "Office21_Access2021R_Retail"
        4593 = "Office21_Access2021R_Trial"
        4594 = "Office21_AccessRuntime2021R_Bypass"
        4595 = "Office21_Access2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4596 = "Office21_Access2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4597 = "Office21_Excel2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4598 = "Office21_Excel2021R_Grace"
        4599 = "Office21_Excel2021R_Retail"
        4600 = "Office21_Excel2021R_Trial"
        4601 = "Office21_Excel2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4602 = "Office21_Excel2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4603 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4604 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_Retail1"
        4605 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_Retail2"
        4606 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_OEM_Perp1"
        4607 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_OEM_Perp2"
        4608 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_OEM_Perp3"
        4609 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_OEM_Perp4"
        4610 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_Grace"
        4611 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_Retail3"
        4612 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_Trial1"
        4613 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_Trial2"
        4614 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_SubTest"
        4615 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_Subscription"
        4616 = "Office21_HomeBusiness2021R_SubTrial"
        4617 = "Office21_HomeStudent2021DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4620 = "Office21_HomeStudent2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4621 = "Office21_HomeStudent2021R_Grace"
        4622 = "Office21_HomeStudent2021R_Retail"
        4623 = "Office21_HomeStudent2021R_Trial1"
        4624 = "Office21_HomeStudent2021R_Trial2"
        4625 = "Office21_HomeStudent2021R_Subscription"
        4626 = "Office21_HomeStudent2021R_SubTest"
        4627 = "Office21_HomeStudent2021R_SubTrial"
        4628 = "Office21_OfficeLPK2021_Bypass"
        4629 = "Office21_OneNoteFree2021R_Bypass"
        4630 = "Office21_OneNote2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4631 = "Office21_OneNote2021R_Trial"
        4632 = "Office21_OneNote2021R_Grace"
        4633 = "Office21_OneNote2021R_Retail"
        4634 = "Office21_OneNote2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4635 = "Office21_Outlook2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4636 = "Office21_Outlook2021R_Trial"
        4637 = "Office21_Outlook2021R_Retail"
        4638 = "Office21_Outlook2021R_Grace"
        4639 = "Office21_Outlook2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4640 = "Office21_Outlook2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4641 = "Office21_Personal2021DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4642 = "Office21_Personal2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4643 = "Office21_Personal2021R_Trial"
        4644 = "Office21_Personal2021R_Retail"
        4645 = "Office21_Personal2021R_Grace"
        4666 = "Office21_PowerPoint2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4667 = "Office21_PowerPoint2021R_Trial"
        4668 = "Office21_PowerPoint2021R_Retail1"
        4669 = "Office21_PowerPoint2021R_Retail2"
        4670 = "Office21_PowerPoint2021R_Grace"
        4671 = "Office21_PowerPoint2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4672 = "Office21_PowerPoint2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4673 = "Office21_Professional2021DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4674 = "Office21_Professional2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4675 = "Office21_Professional2021R_Trial"
        4676 = "Office21_Professional2021R_Retail"
        4677 = "Office21_Professional2021R_Grace"
        4678 = "Office21_ProjectLPK2021_Bypass"
        4679 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4680 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021MSDNR_Retail1"
        4681 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021MSDNR_Retail2"
        4682 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4683 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021R_Trial"
        4684 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021R_Grace"
        4685 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021R_Retail"
        4686 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4687 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021VL_MAK_AE1"
        4688 = "Office21_ProjectPro2021VL_MAK_AE2"
        4689 = "Office21_ProjectStd2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4690 = "Office21_ProjectStd2021R_Grace"
        4691 = "Office21_ProjectStd2021R_Retail"
        4692 = "Office21_ProjectStd2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4693 = "Office21_ProjectStd2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4694 = "Office21_ProPlus2021DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4695 = "Office21_ProPlus2021MSDNR_Retail"
        4696 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_Trial1"
        4697 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_Trial2"
        4698 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_Grace"
        4699 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_Retail"
        4700 = "Office21_Publisher2021R_Grace"
        4701 = "Office21_Publisher2021R_Retail1"
        4702 = "Office21_Publisher2021R_Retail2"
        4703 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_OEM_Perp1"
        4704 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_OEM_Perp2"
        4705 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_OEM_Perp3"
        4706 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_OEM_Perp4"
        4707 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_OEM_Perp5"
        4708 = "Office21_ProPlus2021R_OEM_Perp6"
        4709 = "Office21_ProPlus2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4710 = "Office21_ProPlus2021VL_MAK_AE1"
        4711 = "Office21_ProPlus2021VL_MAK_AE2"
        4712 = "Office21_Publisher2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4713 = "Office21_Publisher2021R_Trial"
        4714 = "Office21_Publisher2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4715 = "Office21_Publisher2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4716 = "Office21_SkypeforBusiness2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4717 = "Office21_Standard2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4718 = "Office21_VisioPro2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4719 = "Office21_VisioStd2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4720 = "Office21_Word2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4721 = "Office21_SkypeforBusiness2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4722 = "Office21_Standard2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4723 = "Office21_VisioPro2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4724 = "Office21_VisioStd2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4725 = "Office21_Word2021VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        4726 = "Office21_VisioPro2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4727 = "Office21_VisioStd2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4728 = "Office21_Word2021R_OEM_Perp"
        4730 = "Office21_SkypeforBusiness2021R_Grace"
        4731 = "Office21_SkypeforBusiness2021R_Trial"
        4732 = "Office21_SkypeforBusiness2021R_Retail"
        4733 = "Office21_Standard2021R_Retail"
        4734 = "Office21_Standard2021R_Trial"
        4735 = "Office21_Standard2021R_Grace"
        4736 = "Office21_VisioPro2021R_Grace"
        4737 = "Office21_VisioPro2021R_Retail"
        4738 = "Office21_VisioPro2021DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        4739 = "Office21_VisioPro2021MSDNR_Retail"
        4740 = "Office21_VisioLPK2021_Bypass"
        4741 = "Office21_Standard2021MSDNR_Retail"
        4742 = "Office21_VisioPro2021R_Trial"
        4743 = "Office21_VisioStd2021R_Grace"
        4744 = "Office21_VisioStd2021R_Retail"
        4745 = "Office21_Word2021R_Trial"
        4746 = "Office21_SkypeforBusinessVDI2021_Bypass"
        4747 = "Office21_Word2021R_Retail"
        4748 = "Office21_Word2021R_Grace"
        4749 = "Office21_PTK2021_Bypass"
        4751 = "Office21_Access2021R_Grace"
        4757 = "CloudEdition, Win 10 RTM CloudEdition OEM:DM"
        4758 = "CloudEdition, Win 10 RTM CloudEdition Retail"
        4759 = "CloudEdition, Win 10 RTM CloudEdition Volume:GVLK"
        4761 = "CloudEditionN, Win 10 RTM CloudEditionN OEM:DM"
        4762 = "CloudEditionN, Win 10 RTM CloudEditionN Retail"
        4763 = "CloudEditionN, Win 10 RTM CloudEditionN Volume:GVLK"
        4765 = "CloudEditionL, Win 10 RTM CloudEditionL Retail"
        4766 = "CloudEditionLN, Win 10 RTM CloudEditionLN Retail"
        4769 = "EnterpriseS, Win 2021 RTM EnterpriseS Volume:MAK"
        4771 = "EnterpriseSEval, Win 2021 RTM EnterpriseSEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4772 = "EnterpriseSN, Win 2021 RTM EnterpriseSN Volume:MAK"
        4774 = "EnterpriseSNEval, Win 2021 RTM EnterpriseSNEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4776 = "Office21_ProPlusSPLA2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4777 = "Office21_StandardSPLA2021VL_MAK_AE"
        4842 = "IoTEnterpriseS, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseS OEM:NONSLP"
        4843 = "IoTEnterpriseS, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseS OEM:DM"
        4844 = "IoTEnterpriseS, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseS Volume:GVLK"
        4845 = "IoTEnterpriseS, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseS Volume:MAK"
        4869 = "IoTEnterpriseSK, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseSK OEM:DM"
        4870 = "IoTEnterpriseSK, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseSK OEM:NONSLP"
        4871 = "IoTEnterpriseSK, Win11 RTM IoTEnterpriseSK Retail"
        4891 = "IoTEnterpriseS, Win 10 RTM IoTEnterpriseS Volume:MAK"
        4895 = "ProfessionalCountrySpecific, Win 11 RTM ProfessionalCountrySpecific Volume:MAK"
        4896 = "ProfessionalCountrySpecific, Win 11 RTM ProfessionalCountrySpecific Retail"
        4901 = "EnterpriseS, Win 2024 RTM EnterpriseS Volume:MAK"
        4902 = "EnterpriseSEval, Win 2024 RTM EnterpriseSEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4903 = "EnterpriseSN, Win 2024 RTM EnterpriseSN Volume:MAK"
        4904 = "EnterpriseSNEval, Win 2024 RTM EnterpriseSNEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4905 = "EnterpriseS, Win 2024 RTM EnterpriseS Retail"
        4906 = "EnterpriseSN, Win 2024 RTM EnterpriseSN Retail"
        4907 = "IoTEnterpriseS, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseS Retail"
        4908 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:DM (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4909 = "ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025 OEM:DM"
        4910 = "ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025 OEM:NONSLP"
        4911 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4912 = "ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025 OEM:SLP"
        4913 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4914 = "ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025 Retail"
        4915 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:GVLK"
        4916 = "ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter;AzureStackHCIAddOn2025 Volume:MAK"
        4917 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter VT:IA"
        4921 = "ServerDatacenterEval, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenterEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4922 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard OEM:DM"
        4923 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard OEM:DM (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4924 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP"
        4925 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4926 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP"
        4927 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)"
        4928 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard Retail"
        4929 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard Volume:GVLK"
        4930 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard Volume:MAK"
        4931 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard VT:IA"
        4932 = "ServerStandardEval, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        4933 = "ServerDatacenterCor, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenterCor Retail"
        4934 = "ServerDatacenterEvalCor, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenterEvalCor Retail:TB:Eval"
        4935 = "ServerStandardCor, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandardCor Retail"
        4936 = "ServerStandardEvalCor, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandardEvalCor Retail:TB:Eval"
        4937 = "ServerTurbine, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerTurbine Volume:GVLK"
        4938 = "ServerTurbine, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerTurbine Volume:MAK"
        4939 = "ServerTurbine, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerTurbine VT:IA"
        4940 = "ServerAzureCor, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerAzureCor VT:IA"
        4941 = "ServerAzureCor, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerAzureCor Volume:GVLK"
        4999 = "ServerTurbine, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerTurbine Retail"
        5001 = "WNC, Win 11 RTM WNC Retail"
        5010 = "Office24_Access2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5011 = "Office24_Access2024VL_MAK_AE"
        5012 = "Office24_Excel2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5013 = "Office24_Excel2024VL_MAK_AE"
        5015 = "Office24_Outlook2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5016 = "Office24_Outlook2024VL_MAK_AE"
        5017 = "Office24_PowerPoint2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5018 = "Office24_PowerPoint2024VL_MAK_AE"
        5019 = "Office24_ProjectPro2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5020 = "Office24_ProjectPro2024VL_MAK_AE1"
        5021 = "Office24_ProjectPro2024VL_MAK_AE2"
        5022 = "Office24_ProjectStd2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5023 = "Office24_ProjectStd2024VL_MAK_AE"
        5024 = "Office24_ProPlus2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5025 = "Office24_ProPlus2024VL_MAK_AE1"
        5026 = "Office24_ProPlus2024VL_MAK_AE2"
        5029 = "Office24_SkypeforBusiness2024VL_MAK_AE"
        5030 = "Office24_Standard2024VL_MAK_AE1"
        5031 = "Office24_VisioPro2024VL_MAK_AE"
        5032 = "Office24_VisioStd2024VL_MAK_AE"
        5033 = "Office24_Word2024VL_MAK_AE"
        5034 = "Office24_SkypeforBusiness2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5035 = "Office24_Standard2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5036 = "Office24_VisioPro2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5037 = "Office24_VisioStd2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5038 = "Office24_Word2024VL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5039 = "Office24_ProPlus2024VL_MAK_AE3"
        5040 = "Office24_Standard2024VL_MAK_AE2"
        5041 = "Office24_ProPlus2024PreviewVL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5042 = "Office24_VisioPro2024PreviewVL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5043 = "Office24_ProjectPro2024PreviewVL_KMS_Client_AE"
        5044 = "Office24_ProPlus2024PreviewVL_MAK_AE"
        5045 = "Office24_VisioPro2024PreviewVL_MAK_AE"
        5046 = "Office24_ProjectPro2024PreviewVL_MAK_AE"
        5047 = "IoTEnterpriseK, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseK OEM:DM"
        5048 = "IoTEnterpriseK, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseK OEM:NONSLP"
        5049 = "IoTEnterpriseK, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseK Retail"
        5050 = "IoTEnterpriseSEval, Win 11 RTM IoTEnterpriseSEval Retail:TB:Eval"
        5053 = "ProfessionalCountrySpecific, Win 11 RTM ProfessionalCountrySpecific OEM:DM"
        5054 = "ProfessionalCountrySpecific, Win 11 RTM ProfessionalCountrySpecific OEM:NONSLP"
        5083 = "ServerStandard, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandard PGS:TB"
        5084 = "ServerDatacenter, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenter PGS:TB"
        5085 = "ServerStandardCor, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerStandardCor PGS:TB"
        5086 = "ServerDatacenterCor, Windows Server 2025 RTM ServerDatacenterCor PGS:TB"
        5096 = "Office24_Access2024R_Retail"
        5097 = "Office24_Excel2024R_Retail"
        5098 = "Office24_HomeBusiness2024R_Retail"
        5099 = "Office24_Home2024R_Retail"
        5100 = "Office24_ProPlus2024R_Retail"
        5101 = "Office24_Outlook2024R_Retail"
        5102 = "Office24_PowerPoint2024R_Retail"
        5103 = "Office24_ProjectPro2024R_Retail"
        5104 = "Office24_ProjectStd2024R_Retail"
        5105 = "Office24_VisioPro2024R_Retail"
        5106 = "Office24_VisioStd2024R_Retail"
        5107 = "Office24_Word2024R_Retail"
        5108 = "Office24_Access2024R_Grace"
        5109 = "Office24_Excel2024R_Grace"
        5110 = "Office24_HomeBusiness2024R_Grace"
        5111 = "Office24_Home2024R_Grace"
        5113 = "Office24_Outlook2024R_Grace"
        5114 = "Office24_PowerPoint2024R_Grace"
        5115 = "Office24_ProjectPro2024R_Grace"
        5116 = "Office24_ProjectStd2024R_Grace"
        5117 = "Office24_ProPlus2024R_Grace"
        5123 = "Office24_VisioPro2024R_Grace"
        5124 = "Office24_VisioStd2024R_Grace"
        5125 = "Office24_Word2024R_Grace"
        5127 = "Office24_HomeBusiness2024DemoR_BypassTrial180"
        5128 = "Office24_HomeBusiness2024R_OEM_Perp"
        5129 = "Office24_Home2024R_OEM_Perp"
      100054 = "Starter, Win Next Starter Retail"
      100055 = "StarterN, Win Next StarterN Retail"
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  4. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #24 Dark Dinosaur, Sep 22, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2024
    # v5.2.0 compiled at 23-09-24
    # Update decode window option's,
    # now can find inside folder + specfic file
    it can auto find the xrm-ms match file's -> first file
    and set text box -> File -> First match.
    and fill data grid with data. Ref, and other.

    Before Click Decode

    After Click Decode


    # v5.3.0 compiled at 23-09-24
    # Update decode window option's,
    # now can find inside folder + specfic file
    # also, update error check.
    # also, add product description
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. haber123

    haber123 MDL Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    This is pretty amazing and keeps getting better. Thank you.
  6. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    I was have some ideas to improve it
    But I'm out of ideas.. almost.
    Maybe add epid number.. ?
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  7. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #27 Dark Dinosaur, Sep 23, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2024
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Keys without N are Win7 or older, where the algo isn't fully reverse engineered and thus validity must be kinda 'bruteforced'. This takes around 45 to 60 seconds per key IIRC.

    Windows 8 or newer keys have exactly one N.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #29 Dark Dinosaur, Sep 24, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2024
    # v5.5.0 [compiled at 24-09-24]
    # Add few Insider Beta key's
    # `Decode` Form, Some improvements

    v5.6.0 (compiled at 24-09-24)
    # Add few Insider Beta key's
    # Add Office 24 Preview Key's
    # `Decode` Form, Some improvements

    now it have, database of - 229 genuine keys
    some beta - insider - preview. some OEM, some mak, some Volume.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  10. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    v5.7.0 compiled at 28-09-24
    # update Decode window logic
    # Add extra info `AdvancedPid`
    # Update KeyParser main function
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    Will upload new version later
    Added support for visual studio
    Plus sku references
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  12. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    v5.8.0 [compiled at 11-10-24]
    # Add support for visualStudio license file's
    # Also update SKU - REF - NAME List

    Attached Files:

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    v6.0.0 [compiled at 12-10-24]
    # Add support for visualStudio license file's
    # Also, update SKU - REF - NAME List
    # Also, Add Edition ID value, in Office & VS product's
    # Also, Add check, to validate if Source text > 4.
    # Also, Clean variable's data before put trying new value
    # Also, Add new function, Extract-Base64Xml, for future use

    Attached Files:

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  14. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    v6.0.1 [compiled at 14-10-24]
    # Code improve, and some bug fixe's
    i updated the main dll call
    with more accurate code.
    # Define the P/Invoke method
                $PidGenX = $Domain.DefinePInvokeMethod(
                    'PidGenX',                                                            # function name
                    "pidgenx.dll",                                                        # dll Name
                    [MethodAttributes]::Public -bor [MethodAttributes]::Static,           # attributes
                    [CallingConventions]::Standard,                                       # calling Convention
                    [UInt32],                                                             # returnType
                   @([String], [String], [String], [int], [IntPtr], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]),  # parameterTypes
                    [CallingConventions]::Standard,                                       # native Call Convention
                    [CharSet]::Unicode                                                    # native CharSet
    and also remove this line's,
    if ($result.GetValue(1).Property -ne 'Error')

    Attached Files:

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  15. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  16. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #36 Dark Dinosaur, Oct 17, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2024
    v6.0.2 compiled at 17-10-24
    # Update ref-Describe list with new ESU products
    # Update XMLreader logic, also added -
    # Get-ConfigTags function to handle tags
    the Main change's, is -
    now all products are dynamically build
    I declare them when script start.


    v6.0.3 compiled at 18-10-24
    # Update XMLreader logic.

    Attached Files:

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  17. haber123

    haber123 MDL Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    You are hard to keep up with, would a function to create a new pkeyconfig.xm-ms file from a generated PID or product key be in the works?
  18. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    most of the change's was done.
    create a dynamcly file, that can be quick edit
    and also add new products in future
    without change too many code
    now for any future change's,
    i just modify first file line's :D
    i could achive same thing with XML
    but i like to work hard ..

    # Define prefixes as an ordered hashtable
    $prefixes = [ordered]@{
      VisualStudio = 'ns1:'
      Office = 'pkc:'
      None = '' # keep last.
    # Define valid configuration types
    $validConfigTypes = @(
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  19. Boops

    Boops MDL Addicted

    Jan 5, 2008

    Why are you adding the file paths to the Syswow64 directory?
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  20. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    Should I remove them ?
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