Problems in Windows 10

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by jakeeboy, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. jakeeboy

    jakeeboy MDL Novice

    Dec 27, 2019
    Windows Updates keeps telling me that the driver on my pc is better then the one wanting to download. Cannot get rid of it. I disabled updates to omit drivers but it hasn't helped. Also ii Add/Remove Windows Features is blank. Any help with these problems would be helpful. I tried SFC,DISM and Windows troubleshooter to no avail. In SFC it says that "cannot find Source file.
    As a last resort in tried to do a Repair install of win 10. be it has failed. It gets through every thing and when the installation begins there is no rebooting during the process when the process is finished i get the "Windows installation has failed ". I have attached the CBS and the DISM logs if that helps. Bottom line I just what to do a repair install hoping that it would fix these issues.

    Attached Files: