This isnt a Windows 10 per say but.... Im seeing more and more people posting PowerShell scripts (which is great) and random people executing it on their PC (which is not great) Even though it is scripting and automation of a lot of things you can do (and cannot do) in the GUI, PowerShell is VERY (excuse the pun) powerful. In WS2012R2 Server Core, much of the server is configured using PowerShell. This is why I recommend everyone to find out what exactly the command does. Microsoft has made this VERY easy. Just type in a PowerShell prompt Get-Help (commandyouwanttoknowabout) Example, one that is used a lot when piping is Get-Member (gm) to find out what you can do with a object. So I would type. Code: Get-Help Get-Member This would print out exactly what it does. If you want examples: Code: Get-Help Get-Member -examples Will show you common used ways of the command To get a technical explaination Code: Get-Help Get-Member -full This shows everything and then some If you want to see if Microsoft has any updated people Code: Get-Help Get-Member -online TL;RD: Always check a PowerShell command or ask about it, before running it. Because I can tell you, "hey this activates Windows 10": Do not run this Code: Get-Disk | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle MBR -PassThru | New-Partition -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "disk2" -Confirm:$false And you willl never know what hit you...
Why did you post an example to format the drive? Also if you want to warn people.... formating the drive as an example to not run "any" code is just dumb and discredit your thread.
Ummm this is common sense. However most of the users on MDL do not do coding all that regularly. In order to translate for them you post the code comments in the scripting. This shows what exactly is going on. However if those users do not take the time to learn the most basic things then they are just asking for trouble to happen.
This is a example of me saying This activates Windows 10 and someone randomly on the internet copies and pastes the code without looking what it does or even asking about certain parameters. I warn in bold NOT to run the code. If someone runs that, they deserve it.