[Question:] How to figure out, for which Windows versions is the driver signed?

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by moderate, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009

    pls, is there some utility, that can analyze INF and CAT files and tell me for which Windows versions is some particular driver signed?
    Thanks for replies...
  2. KNARZ

    KNARZ MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2012
    #2 KNARZ, Dec 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  3. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    #3 moderate, Dec 29, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
    Thanks for help...
    I have a huge driver storage for our LAN and need to sort drives quickly:
    For example Intel Centrino Advanced N6235 Bluetooth drivers were made in three separate folders for single version (W8-1, W8-0, W7-0) with difference only in CABs.
    Now I have to test them by trying to update (when the drivers aren't marked). ://
  4. Enigma256

    Enigma256 MDL Senior Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Um, the signing is the same. Signing is not used as the differentiator for different versions of Windows.

    Version segmentation happens in the INF file, through the tagging of the Device sections.

    All driver INF files contain one or more "Device" sections used to match installation configurations to hardware IDs, which is how Windows determines if an INF file is applicable to a particular device.

    Each "Device" section can, optionally, be limited to a particular version of windows by being tagged. For example, the hardware IDs found in a section named "[Device.NTamd64.6.1]" will apply only to 64-bit versions of Windows, version 6.1 or newer (so, in this example, W7, W8, W8.1).

    Some device INFs contain multiple Device sections to target multiple versions of Windows. For example, an INF file might use "NTx86.6.1" to use for installation to Windows 7 and newer, and just plain "NTx86" for any version older than 7.

    Some device INFs contain just a single Device section, and any differentiation between different versions of Windows happens by way of multiple INF files. Intel's WiFi drivers do this.

    In specific case of Intel's WiFi drivers, the 6xxx and 7xxx series have filenames that follow this convention:
    netw = network, wireless
    s/e/b = Seven/Eight/Blue = NT6.1/2/3
    n/w = narrow/wide = 32/64-bit (kernel lingo)
    00/02 = 6xxx/7xxx generation

    The 6235's hardware ID appears in netwsw00, netwsn00, netwew00, and netwen00. If you have Windows 7, you'll get the netws?00.inf, and if you have 8.0 or 8.1, you'll get netwe?00.inf.

    Only the newer generation have 8.1-specific drivers (netwb?02.inf), because the 6xxx series were end-of-life'ed before 8.1 came out.

    The 6230 and 6200, having been end-of-life'ed even earlier than the 6235 or 6205, don't appear at all in the netwe?00.inf files; instead, their hardware IDs are present only in the netws?00.inf files, so they only get Windows 7 drivers.

    So when you download the Windows 8.1 package from Intel, you'll notice that only one set of INF files is specific to 8.1, and that everything else is identical to the files from the W8 or W7 package.
  5. ricktendo64

    ricktendo64 MDL Expert

    Apr 20, 2008
    If you double click the CAT, go to advanced tab you should see 2:6.1, etc that will indicate what OS the CAT will work on
  6. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    Thanks, I wonder I missed that... :)