Thanks Actually you bring up a good point Will see if I can make IORRT do error check for W7 only and give msg if someone tries to install on W8 so I won't have to tell Error check in IR5 should work? Thanks
It should Code: :IORRT :ACTION REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CurrentVersion | FINDSTR 6.1 >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 cls & echo. & echo IORRT supports Office 2013 only under Windows 7 RTM!!! & ping -n 5 >nul & goto MAINMENU
Fixed Details and Links link to Duality 420 Going to go do the check for IORRT for W7 only when installing 2013
Now you tell me "IORRT supports Office 2013 only under Windows 7 RTM!!!" Do we really need the RTM!!! Thanks
It is the first check so should work even if you don't have 2013 installed? Post screenshot for fun time
Another suggestion 1. Magnet link of Office 2013 VL ~ x86 or x64?? Mention it. 2. The link of 7-zip is full of Google crap.
Are people using x64, with 2010 they all went to x86 cause of add ons or something? Now will need x64 magnet Thanks Really just thought it went to dl page
Most of the people (should) use Office 2013 x86; same rules applicable as Office 2010. Anyway, magnets are send via PM.