Hi. been messing about with Windows 10 removing packages I don't want. I have tested one or two at a time but just removed them all in one go and done a test install. Never had this problem but now Win 10 is not activated. I have done many fresh installs. ( Yes I originally did the upgrade ) IS there one of these I should not be removing from the install.wim. In fact. This is the first time I have removed FeedBack packages from the image file Should these be left alone ?
Microsoft-WindowsFeedback-Package has nothing to do with this problem. I always remove this crap and Windows activates nicely. How did you remove these packages? Dism, install_wim_tweak, manually? I suspect this may be something store related.
I used DISM with a little script I have made. Not on my PC right now so not able to give an example. Just before I had to go to work last night I took an original image and just removed the FeedBack packages only. Did not have time to test it but I will do. I will also just remove the store packages and do a test to pin point the problem. I have no desire to ever use this. Thanks for the tip.
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Windows 10. Oh well, at least it's nothing more than an OS. I can't help thinking of a far, far distant future where parents can adjust their kid's DNA to get the behavior they desire. (Not that some kids couldn't use that today, but that's a different topic).
Guys please reply through pm what software u used to remove packages from install.win and make a lite iso
I already removed that all above about last month And nothing crashed or so this month Activate without problems
powershell, DISM, regedit and 3rd party registry editor Registrar Registry Manager (trial) just to get me easy to take own and edit the reg keys
I don't know why you would want to remove these packages. Is your hard drive that small that it would make a difference? If you don't want them, just don't use them. I am not surprised that you borked activation.
Lmfao it's not only about ssd it's about apps sending data to Microsoft, apps you will never use using ram and Cpu. Tiles constantly updating themselves and Windows update constantly downloading hundreds of mbs of data that I don't need. Stock Windows on is just as much junk crap as Google rom. Both need to be cleaned before you can be happy with it
Seems correct! Once i removed these and encountered activation problems as well. So yes, keep these untouched if you need activation.
Enterprise N LTSB! is full of s..it as well what needs to be removed. We are not talking about metro crap only..
If you have the windows old activated just copy C:\windows.old\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\token.dat To C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\token.dat And reboot. That's all