Side Request: If anyone have these missing .NET Framework hotfixes Spoiler Code: 2.0: KB960754-x64 3.0: KB956484-x64 KB962878-x64 KB962932-x64 KB976117 3.5: KB959162-x64 KB976945 Code: (for reference, already included with original installer) 4.0: KB2534087 KB2638450 KB2669774 KB2714396 KB2733944 KB2908370 KB2996569 KB3013383 KB3031985 KB3088949 KB3096089 KB3106994 KB2639157 KB2675049 KB2711617 / VS 2010 KB2298853 / for LP KB2133974 / for LP
Many thanks for this release! Now we have solution .NET AIO for XP / 2003 in both architectures. And great is also that these repacks can be installed during T-13 setup phase
Yes, only these are applicable (not superseded): KB3122653, KB3127225, KB4014570, KB4014605, KB4021915
And I have met some problems using your method to merge all .NET Framework updates (2.0-4.0) into base .msi files . The Updates provided After Oct, 2016 cannot be merged into .msi , Do someone know how to solve this?
I didn't outline my method did you merge LDR baseliner update (KB960043-v4 for 2/3/35 family, KB971891 for 4)? you should re-merge or new merge all updates after it except the 3.5 SP1 Family Update (KB958481, KB958483, KB958484), these must be added before KB960043
@abbodi1406 Nice update, I only noticed that the help "/?" Window needs to be a bit longer. One or more lines are cut of.
- adding KB4480088 and updating .NET 1.1 require much work, will see about it - KB2500170 is addon not update, it cannot be merged with .NET 3.5