@abbodi1406 I have tried your previous 2 releases on different pc, the problem is on a 64 bit system why the setup is installing 32 bit versions I have to cancel them manually one by one when the setup finished installing 64 bit versions Any solution for this
The 32bit versions are for 32bit programs, the 64bit versions are for 64bit programs. If you don't install the 32bit versions on a 64bit Windows, some 32bit programs might not work.
The vcredist_x64 package only contains 64-bit versions of the Visual C++ runtime files. If you plan to run a 32-bit application on a 64-bit version of Windows, then you'll also need to install vcredist_x86 onto your 64-bit version of Windows. As a conclusion , if you have an 64 bit operating system , you should install both vcredist_x86 and vcredist_x64 packages
Please share link download Visual C++ 2002: 7.0.9975.0 Visual C++ 2003: 7.10.6119.0 Visual Basic Runtimes
I know VB6 SP5 is old, but since I found the executable in my HDD, I decided to google for the original links for preservation and CRC comparison.
Could anyone update me on the command how to extract the content of vc-redist.xxx.exe files? Thank you
#Bug report - on Windows XP (x86): - test for admin rights fail and (hidden) cmd is stuck on pause: if %_debug% equ 0 reg query "HKU\S-1-5-19" 1>nul 2>nul || ( Solution: a) A more cross-compatible check that: FSUTIL.EXE dirty query %systemdrive% >NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( b) Temp solution - while setup is still extracting - edit "%TEMP%\7ZipSfx.000\Installer.cmd" and comment out (if using "::" - make sure no white-spaces on left): @rem pause >nul @rem goto :eof (Or just extract and edit Installer.cmd and run manually..) -------- Thanks..