@peter4heppner can you please refrain from blowing things out of proportion? It's a forum, not a court house where some digit changes people's lives in the blink of an eye...
@abbodi1406 when installing VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64_75 Some programs still require downloading the version Visual C++ 2015 . Is there a solution to this problem
No, it's their detection fault if they only require it during setup, then you can install VC++ 2015, install the program, then reinstall VisualCppRedist_AIO
I check Azure DevOps Server as it include VC++ 2010, hoping it might get updated but they still use 10.0.40219.325
@abbodi1406 are the repacks of directX and visual C files needed instead of downloading complete package.? if that is what i understand then is there a way to stop like games installing directX if the repacks have all necessary files.. and same foes for visual C. or am i wrong on what this repacks are,?
These repacks are the same software from Microsoft minus all the bloat they put in their installers. Can't say for all games but, atleast for the DirectX installs, I don't think you need to worry about overwriting / reinstalling since DirectX has no new updates and the installers (from the games' repacks) detect whether the DirectX is already installed or not. As for the VC++ Redist, they do get installed sometimes as additional runtimes or specific updates that the games / software need essentially to run smoothly but I haven't head any problems with that except for the recent issue I had trying to update using abbodi's v75 VC++ repack. I installed Autodesk Design Suite which in turn contained the necessary VC++ Redists needed by the software and while updating using abbodi's pack, it was throwing some errors since abbodi's pack first checks the availability of obsolete builds, uninstall them and then install the latest. The issue was in detecting the versions installed for Revit software but that was a rare case scenario. Long story short, don't worry about having trouble with the repack or the ones that come in game repacks. If you do get an error while installing the game if abbodi's repack is already installed, the procedure is to completely uninstall abbodi's VC++ repack, install the problem game repack and let it install its own VC++. After that install abbodi's latest repack as usual and everything will work fine.
thanks for the explanation.. no i dont worry about that. farcry from gog. always installes directX i tought there was a way to have any new installs skipped. not worry of overwrites just avoiding wast of time or reinstalling.. and yes some programs and games install visual C. i was just wondering if there was a way to stop that. if not then its not a problem.
@Zeepachi by using the respective unattended switch. @raptorddd unless you start using enthusiast-made repacks of said programs/games you use, then no, there's no convenient way of skipping the runtimes. They are included so developers/distributors of software products don't have to deal with troubleshooting requests because people don't know runtimes exist and are required.
@abbodi1406 I see you did not add the latest VSTO 10.0.60910.0 in the WinXP AIO Pack. Is the latest VSTO version not compatible anymore with Windows XP?
@ceo54 Code: All switches are optional, *case-sensitive* /aiU not /aiu i don't control the entries, they represent the real installer packs https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/1448611/