Indeed, I have tried to install something from AMD and it literally said that VisualC++ missing, some apps probably need a specific version to work, but I have not encountered that in years till recently.
Dude. pl-pl_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_eff40776.iso (converted to IoT by MAS) + your VC Repack v83 = ModOrganizer2 doesn't start installed other VC pack and it works maybe it's a windows' language, or edition, or updates (I didn't update the system at all) Beyond any doubt you create excellent stuff, but VC pack is broken.
There is nothing "missing" in VC++ redists included with the repack unless you check and list what the other VC pack installs, or what ModOrganizer2 needs to start, there nothing i can magically speculate and fix
The fact is that you might need those libraries. Apps I tried complained about missing 2015/2017, which are part of techpowerup pack, sometimes less is more. Latest versions do not matter much, apps use .net a other runtimes now.
multiple 2015-2022 versions cannot coexist, the latest will take precedence installing old 2015-2019 over installed msi 2022 will just mess up registry, but it will not replace the runtimes files
Create a batch script "SetupComplete.cmd" in the ISO folder "$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts" and put the "VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe" file for example into the ISO folder "$OEM$\$$\Setup\Programs". SetupComplete.cmd file script: Code: @ECHO OFF TITLE My Extra Stuff PushD "%~dp0" START "" /WAIT "%SystemRoot%\Setup\Programs\VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe" /ai /gm2 Reg Add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\SetupComplete-CleanUp" /ve /t REG_SZ /d "SetupComplete CleanUp" /f 1>NUL Reg Add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\SetupComplete-CleanUp" /v "1" /t REG_SZ /d "CMD /c RmDir /s /q \"%SystemRoot%\Setup\Programs\"" /f 1>NUL Reg Add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\SetupComplete-CleanUp" /v "2" /t REG_SZ /d "CMD /c RmDir /s /q \"%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\"" /f 1>NUL EXIT
Did you enable some policies or AppLocker that prevent installation of unsigned programs? smart app control? msi files included with AIO are all modified (slimmed) and have no signature
Nope. Is it needed? Don't think so, I don't even know what AppLocker is Edit: I've smart app control disabled
Do you have an Unblock button in Properties of the downloaded VCRedist installer? Did you press it to unblock the file? Example screen: