Repairing Frame

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by Hornetzero, May 8, 2023.

  1. Hornetzero

    Hornetzero MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2018
    Hey Everyone,
    So the corner of my laptop's screen frame broke due to an accident with my Samsonite 20" Backpack that resulted the main zipper breaking and the laptop falling out on the floor. I think the screen may have been effected but its the broken plastic frame that concerns me more. I'm wondering if I should order a cheap replacement or look up how to weld plastic?

    I mean I haven't done it before but I got some youtube videos of people doing crazy tricks with soldering iron and some roller tools for smoothing unsightly weld work. Also looked into figuring out how to replace zips on laptop bags but that requires stitching knowledge which is far beyond what I'm willing to do.

    Would appreciate input.

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  2. itsmemario1

    itsmemario1 MDL Expert

    Sep 10, 2012
    Quick'n Dirty ?
    If you going to fully remove the frame anyway, a hint of Instant adhesive + black paint stick to avoid the adhesive turning the plastic white...
  3. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    You have to be a great specialist and you have to have very good tools to so-called weld it together. Of course, this cannot be done with any soldering iron or other similar tool.
    It is most reasonable for you to separate this frame, put at least two pins in the two ends to be connected, and then glue them (these two ends) together with the right glue. Of course, this place will remain visible after it has been repaired, and if you apply the glue poorly, it will be quite visible and will last to the end of life of this frame or computer.
    Another option is of course to get a new frame, but that can be quite expensive.
    But as for those YouTube videos, I don't know who or why they make them and put them there, but anyway they are more than 100% a scam. Someone enjoys making fooling of others.
    Yes, it is true that you can also weld together and in such a way that nothing is visible, but you do not have such tools and they cost a lot.
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  4. Hornetzero

    Hornetzero MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2018
    Thanks for the advice