Is there a way to reset the file archive attribute for all files including those that have an attribute of hidden? I get errors on the hidden files trying different ways. All hidden files that have the archive attribute set (+a) don't get reset. Even when using nsudo and powerrun. I want to keep the state of files that are hidden or system. Only the archive flag should be reset.
Details? Judging by the mention of utilities, you are using Windows. Have you tried running the command prompt with System and/or TrustedInstaller rights? Then run the attrib command.
I mentioned nsudo and powerrun in the OP which will run with all rights. I.e details: Code: \NSudo\x64\NSudoLC.exe -U:T -P:E cmd /k attrib -a c:\bootmgr .vbs and powershell don't reset the archive bit either for files flagged hidden or system. You can reset the archive flag if you use -h -s -a, but that has an undesirable effect.