I need. to continue using IE on win10 and lately no matter what I try to do MS edge continues to start every time I try to open IE or IE in admin mode. Is there a solution to just disable edge for good and continue using IE in some kind of a script or simple process? I have tried ten different things and sometimes some work but sometimes none... I am using a particular app that needs IE and I am trying to stop reinstalling the OS.
The first thing you should do after a fresh install is to remove EDGE (and Defender) the second is to not install a giant spyware like Chrome. The third one is to get a decent browser for the modern WEB like Vivaldi, then, when needed,use IE6 standalone or via the IEtab extension inside Vivaldi.
Search for aveyo's uninstaller script here on the forum I think you can use SxSv1 or alike to grab the packages from any ISO/LiveOS before February (I mean the same build 1904x or whatever are you using), remove any fake IE package that may be present on your installation, then simply add back the older and functional using dism.
Create file UninstallEdge.cmd with content below and run it. Note: It may not work if you have latest (updated) version of Microsoft Edge, because Microsoft recently blocked uninstallation options. Code: @echo off TITLE Microsoft Edge Uninstaller CLS REM Check admin rights fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% >nul 2>&1 if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO. ECHO ============================================= ECHO The script needs Administrator permissions! ECHO. ECHO Please run it as the Administrator. ECHO ============================================= ECHO. PAUSE >NUL goto end ) set "PF=%ProgramFiles%" if not "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="" set "PF=%ProgramFiles(x86)%" set EdgeSetup= for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s /a-d "%PF%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\setup.exe" 2^>nul') do (set "EdgeSetup=%%i") if not "%EdgeSetup%"=="" goto edgeFound ECHO. ECHO ================================================================ ECHO Microsoft Edge Setup program not found! ECHO. ECHO It looks like Microsoft Edge is not installed. ECHO ================================================================ ECHO. PAUSE >NUL goto end :edgeFound ECHO. ECHO Uninstalling Microsoft Edge, please wait... start /w "" "%EdgeSetup%" --uninstall --system-level --force-uninstall del /q /f "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Microsoft Edge.lnk" >nul 2>&1 del /q /f "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Microsoft Edge.lnk" >nul 2>&1 del /q /f "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Tombstones\Microsoft Edge.lnk" >nul 2>&1 del /q /f "%windir%\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Microsoft Edge.lnk" >nul 2>&1 ECHO. ECHO. ECHO All done! ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Press any key to end the script. ECHO. PAUSE >NUL :end
With the latest KB 5031356, I can't open IE anymore. Disabling IEToEdge doesn't work. Any suggestions? I don't want to uninstall EDGE. I don't know if it is a configuration problem or if some OS component was damaged. Thanks!
Code: Set IE=CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") Set Shell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") IE.Visible=1 Shell.AppActivate IE If WScript.Arguments.Count>0 Then IE.Navigate WScript.Arguments(0) Else IE.GoHome() End If Shell.Run"taskkill /F /IM ielowutil.exe /T",0,False Save this script as VBS (like "Internet Explorer.vbs") and thats it. Run it and enjoy. Not my work, I dont remember where I found it. So credit goes to unknown person.