server file/folders backup

Discussion in 'Windows Server' started by cyberbot, May 24, 2013.

  1. cyberbot

    cyberbot MDL Senior Member

    Jul 30, 2011
    Dear All,
    i am using Veeam backup and replicatio 6.5 for my VM environments to make a backup of my vms and replicate them, also i am using Windows server backup 2012 to take a backup of my files and folder and save them to another partition however Windows server backup keeps failing because files are used ect.... which i don't trust to keep using for the Files/Folders backup.
    can someone please advise a good working software for the backup ?
    i've tried the Veeam backup for the files and folders and it has a bug on it, so have to wait till they release the V7 which will fix this issue,