Im wondering if there is something for SharePoint 2016 and its activation. Im not sure if the Microsoft Toolkit can actívate it.
I'm also interested in this too.. Have there really been no updates since the last post 3 months ago?
MTK is not working in this case. I get the following message when I try MTK 262 on Sharepoint server 2016 WARNING: This copy of Microsoft Office is not supported. Channel Switcher has been disabled.
Non-VL version will NOT work, a VL version should/could/would work!! WHAT version you're having: VL or Non-VL?
The version posted by alperi75. I think that is non-VL. But any non-VL can be converted to VL version I guess. General procedure seems to be you extract the images and give the installer path of Setup.exe to MTK. The channel and other information is inferred from there. And then you have an option to select the volume license. This works for all MS office products. Should work with sharepoint also I believe if it is supported.