I somehow managed to remove "CreateExplorerShellUnelevatedTask" from Scheduled Tasks and that resulted in all executables running elevated (with administrative privileges) even with UAC enabled. In the past, Windows restored that task on its own after a reboot or after some time, but it didn't do it for my current OS install. How do I re-create it or restore it? Can someone export it and post a link? If it depends on some unique user tokens then exporting that task from another machine and importing into mine probably isn't going to work. Is there some other way to make all executables run unelevated (by default) unless running them as administrator is specifically selected? If Windows is installed for just one user who is administrator, does that user have only Administrator membership or both Administrator and User memberships (verified in Computers Management > Local Users and Groups > Users > Username)
You may want to remove that used ID from your post. It is more of a unique identifier than actual OS username.