I just did a fresh install of Windows 10 LTSB, version 1607 (OS Build 14393.2273) . Now this particular version has me running it as Local Account Administrator. The option to use an MS account has been removed by the creator I would assume. Anyway, that's fine with me because I don't use the Store or any cloud features from MS. Thing is, a feature I use every now and again has disappeared . When I right-click on any .exe file, and want to Sent To Desktop as a shortcut, that option is just not there. Now please understand, I've done my homework, and searched the net until I'm out of any new ideas, so I thought I'd ask here to see if anyone else has had this happen. Things I've tried so far is to go to "shell:sendto" in Explorer, create a text file named "Desktop (create shortcut).DeskLink", removed the .txt extension, rebooted, but no joy, the option is still not in the context menu. I have tried altering the registery with : [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\SendTo] @="{7BA4C740-9E81-11CF-99D3-00AA004AE837}" But that also did not do anything. Next it was suggested that I just grab a copy of the file from another Win10 computer, which I did, and put it into shell:sendto folder. So, I deleted the one I manually made, and put the one from my other win10 system into it, rebooted , and still nothing.... I get all kinds of other options in the Send To context menu, just nothing letting me send a shortcut to my Desktop. Anyone have any ideas how I can get that feature back? I know I can manually make a shortcut, and then move it to the Desktop, but it's just the idea of not having it in the context menu that's really bugging my OCD!!
Why not asking the chopper who created it directly? Only he/she knows exactly how it's removed and it can be a shot in the dark to get a solution without knowing the used tool/method.
I thank you profusely for your help and your best suggestion. I shall wait upon someone else to add their opinion, and perhaps their experience to this thread before I go that route.
It's homebrew at it's worst, and nicking stuff from MDL devs, botching it up and claiming it's theirs.
I respect your right to have an opinion. I would also respect your right to attempt to help me get back the sent do desktop option, rather than share with me your personal viewpoints. Getting back the option to send to desktop, at this point, in no way involves reformatting and installing another version. So, I get it, you don't like them, you think lowly of them, you have nothing good at all to say about them. Do you get that it's not about them? It's about ME, and trying to get that option back in my context menu. So, do you have anything constructive to contribute other than "Format your drive" ?
It's not anything at a personal level. It's about the amount of chopping is done to images, it could be so that the creator doesn't even know what he has done to it or to fix it, would not be the first time.
Try looking in this directory: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo There might be a copy of Desktop (create shortcut) in there. You can just copy it to your Send To directory (C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo)
Thank you for the suggestion, but it's not in that folder either. It just does not exist on my system, and when I create one, as I wrote in my OP, it does not work/is not recognized. I do, however, appreciate your constructive suggestion!
Homebrews are not easy to diagnose since their developers really often go to great lengths to hack away and customize in such a manner as to prevent an update from undoing their hard work. Unfortunately, this also means it can be hard for you to restore something as well, as again, the developer had it in mind when customizing their distro, to "foolproof" their customization from mistaken reversion (usually caused by an update). There could very well be a script or app hidden with the very intention to protect and undo any changes, including your own efforts. I can honestly appreciate your desire to use a preconfigured system. Windows 10, after all, is a monster of an OS and can take forever to get it "just right" and backing up your own image isn't always feasible, so the idea of a premade system where someone else has already done the work can be appealing. But unfortunately, the side effect is what you're facing right now... ie... Because it is premodified and configured, there can be some settings that you're not going to be happy with and restoring them may even be impossible (either by chance or by design). It is not that no one here doesn't want to help you. It really is a case of doing so maybe futile in an effort to seek out a golden needle in the middle of a haystack, which may not even exist. It is for this reason, I really do believe the best advice has already been provided (even if it isn't the answer you wanted). -- You should install your own fresh copy of Windows and customize it yourself. You'll learn a lot in doing so and you'll know first hand what modifications, you, yourself have made, without being lost and confused by someone else's actions.
Wise words, to be sure!! Thing is, I very much like this homebrew version except for this one small glitch. I can live with it, no problem. The next version of ltsb is only a few months away, and at that time, I'll do as you suggest. Thanks!!
what can people like from windows releases who are chopped to a level even normal functionality is lost, we've seen a few butchers, hitting all buttons and not having a clue what they are doing to the install/iso. It's up to everyone themselves what they install but chopping always leads to instable or not functioning installs. At least do it yourself, then you know for real what is chopped.
What did you make the contents of the Desktop (create shortcut).DesktopLink file? Mine contains the text "desktop" (without quotes).
I think he meant that desktoplink file contains "desktop"(without quotes) like in a text file but with this new extension instead of .txt