Is there a way to lock the desktop icons from changing positions on a reboot? I have removed the checkmarks from both auto arrange icons and align icons to grid from my windows 10 view. I can do a refresh on the desktop blank space after I get my icons lined up the way I want to see them on a reboot. But if I back up the system and restore it all the icons on no longer in the same positions I wanted them.
I still have this problem. I tried DesktopOK and other similar apps, but nothing helped. It seems that this problem is not unique.
Desktop Restore I have been using Desktop Restore with Windows 7 an now Windows 10 x64. It works great: hxxp://
I'm having the same problem. If anyone here can find witch registry key to edit would be awesome. Thanks to MDL in advance.
Re-installing Windows 10 (you keep your programs and settings) fixed it for me, and it is the only "confirmed" fix that i found. EDIT: And the issue is back after a couple of days. Urgh.
Same problem here, even when i refresh desktop, icons get automatically arrenged in alphabetic order. Windows 10 Pro RTM. No solutions so far.
I find desktop OK, ok ...... auto arrange n then off ... get desktop OK remembers . Some simple stuff like mouse wheel follows pointer . Regards
Thanks for reply. Tried but still same after 2 restarts. Will check registry entries for that option. Will check if it works, thank you. Does anybody have same problem?
Seems a lot of users have same problem: https:// Will post if i find a solution.
Finally, found the solution, on the ms page i've posted above. Confirmed this on a laptop which don't have the problem, the keys were same. Default key at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32 and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32 must be replaced with "%SystemRoot%\system32\" You need to take ownership of those entries though.
This is strange, because root Clsid has no string to storage.dll , and node CLsid 42 is already stringed to storage.dll, and I don't have this problem.