Hi, For what I understand it is an AMD-based PC. I found a link in a way like this (Remove the spaces between): http :// h30434.www3.hp . com/t5/Desktop-Audio-Video-Monitors/HP-15-G009AX-Notebook-PCI-Encryption-Decryption-Controller/td-p/4316628 In that thread a guy says that maybe using manual installation could get it up for you. Try it with "AMD PSP Driver". The file "sp66899.exe" will make a folder in C:\SWSetup\sp66899 (where C is the letter in witch you have installed Windows). I do not know how important can be it for you, but you can look at (Remove the spaces between) http :// electronicdesign . com/microprocessors/platform-security-processor-protects-low-power-apus "The PSP is based on an ARM Cortex-A5 core. This implements ARM's TrustZone technology..." I hope this helps