[Solved]Problems installing Windows 10 over Windows 7

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Hornetzero, Mar 11, 2021.

  1. Hornetzero

    Hornetzero MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2018
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Then setup would have reported the incompatibility.

    Check setuperr log in the panther folder for error reports.
  3. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
  4. Hornetzero

    Hornetzero MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2018
    #4 Hornetzero, Mar 11, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    2021-03-10 19:36:14, Error                 MOUPG  CMoSetupOneSettingsHelperT<class CEmptyType>::InitializeSettings(324): Result = 0x80072EFE[gle=0x00002efe]
    2021-03-10 19:36:14, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupHost::InitializeOneSettings(1341): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:36:14, Error                 MOUPG  SetupHost: OneSettings initialization failed: [0x80072EFE]
    2021-03-10 19:36:14, Error                 MOUPG  CSystemHelper::CheckConnectedStandby(642): Result = 0x80070057
    2021-03-10 19:36:46, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::GetCTACAttributes(704): Result = 0x8007007E[gle=0x0000007e]
    2021-03-10 19:36:46, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::RetrieveResponse(311): Result = 0x80072EFE[gle=0x00002efe]
    2021-03-10 19:36:46, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::Query(210): Result = 0x80072EFE[gle=0x00002efe]
    2021-03-10 19:36:46, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::QueryWeb(973): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:36:46, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::Download(1290): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:36:46, Error                 MOUPG  CFCPayloadDU::Download(267): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:36:46, Error                 MOUPG  DUSetup: Error on downloading SetupDU Payload: [0x80072EFE]
    2021-03-10 19:36:46, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionDU::ExecuteFacilitatorDUSetup(2183): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:37:06, Error                 CONX   Windows::Compat::Appraiser::AppraiserSettings::GetSettingsInternal (381):   Failed to Query OneSettings [0x80072efe] :: (ForcedOptIn:[TRUE], IsOptedIntoCore:[TRUE], IsOptedIntoCommercial:[FALSE], AllowedToQueryServer:[TRUE])[gle=0x80072efe]
    2021-03-10 19:37:15, Error                        CallPidGenX: PidGenX function failed on this product key. (hr = 0x8a010101)
    2021-03-10 19:37:15, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionProductKeyValidate::ReportDownlevelInstallChannel(3274): Result = 0x8A010101
    2021-03-10 19:37:15, Error                 MOUPG  ProductKey: Failed to report Host OS channel to telemetry.
    2021-03-10 19:37:30, Error                        CallPidGenX: PidGenX function failed on this product key. (hr = 0x8a010101)
    2021-03-10 19:37:45, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::GetCTACAttributes(704): Result = 0x8007007E[gle=0x0000007e]
    2021-03-10 19:37:45, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::RetrieveResponse(311): Result = 0x80072EFE[gle=0x00002efe]
    2021-03-10 19:37:45, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::Query(210): Result = 0x80072EFE[gle=0x00002efe]
    2021-03-10 19:37:45, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::QueryWeb(973): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:37:45, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::Download(1290): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:37:45, Error                 MOUPG  CFCPayloadDU::Download(267): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:37:45, Error                 MOUPG  DUImage: Error on downloading ImageDU Payload: [0x80072EFE]
    2021-03-10 19:37:45, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionDU::ExecuteFacilitatorDUImage(1473): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:37:46, Error                 CSI    00000001 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #10# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = 760 ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION'), vn = [l:25 ml:26]'CurrentMajorVersionNumber', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:37:46, Error                 CSI    00000002 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #9# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:63]'\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\', vn = [l:25 ml:26]'CurrentMajorVersionNumber', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:37:46, Error                 CSI    00000003 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #38# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = 760 ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup'), vn = [l:7 ml:8]'Compact', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:37:46, Error                 CSI    00000004 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #37# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:31]'\Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup\', vn = [l:7 ml:8]'Compact', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:37:46, Error                 CSI    00000005 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #45# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = 714 ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION'), vn = [l:11 ml:12]'BuildBranch', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:37:46, Error                 CSI    00000006 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #44# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:63]'\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\', vn = [l:11 ml:12]'BuildBranch', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:39:36, Error                 CSI    00000007 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #78# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = 754 ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\Fonts'), vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:39:36, Error                 CSI    00000008 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #77# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:69]'\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\', vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:39:38, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 19:39:38, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 19:42:36, Error                 SP     CDownloadDUUpdates::DoExecuteInternal: Failed to search for updates. hr = 0x800705b4
    2021-03-10 19:42:36, Error                 SP     CSetupPlatform::DownloadDynamicUpdates: Failed to download updates. Error: 0x800705B4
    2021-03-10 19:42:36, Error                 DU     Unreleased DUUpdateCollection interface during DUSession release
    2021-03-10 19:42:48, Error                 CONX   Windows::Compat::Appraiser::AppraiserSettings::GetSettingsInternal (381):   Failed to Query OneSettings [0x80072efe] :: (ForcedOptIn:[TRUE], IsOptedIntoCore:[TRUE], IsOptedIntoCommercial:[FALSE], AllowedToQueryServer:[TRUE])[gle=0x80072efe]
    2021-03-10 19:42:50, Error                 CONX   hDevInfo invalid handle value
    2021-03-10 19:42:51, Error                 CONX   hDevInfo invalid handle value
    2021-03-10 19:42:51, Error                 CONX   hDevInfo invalid handle value
    2021-03-10 19:45:40, Error                 CONX   Windows::Compat::Appraiser::AssetUtils::GetProgramNameAndRegistryPathFromFile (992):   App should have registry path, swallowing error.[gle=0x8007139f]
    2021-03-10 19:49:29, Error                 SP     CNewSystem::PreInitialize: FveCheckSuspendBitLockerOnUpgrade failed: 0x8007007f, assuming auto-unlock is not supported[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 19:49:30, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D[gle=0x000000cb]
    2021-03-10 19:49:44, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpResponseImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IDlpResponse> > > >::CheckUserInterrupt(1788): Result = 0x800704D3
    2021-03-10 19:49:44, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpResponseImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IDlpResponse> > > >::Execute(1924): Result = 0x800704D3
    2021-03-10 19:49:44, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IMoSetupDlpAction> > > >::ExecuteResponse(1371): Result = 0x800704D3
    2021-03-10 19:49:44, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionSummary::ExecuteRoutine(202): Result = 0x800704D3
    2021-03-10 19:49:44, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IMoSetupDlpAction> > > >::Execute(493): Result = 0x800704D3
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::GetCTACAttributes(704): Result = 0x8007007E[gle=0x0000007e]
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::RetrieveResponse(311): Result = 0x80072EFE[gle=0x00002efe]
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::Query(210): Result = 0x80072EFE[gle=0x00002efe]
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::QueryWeb(973): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::Download(1290): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 MOUPG  CFCPayloadDU::Download(267): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 MOUPG  DUImage: Error on downloading ImageDU Payload: [0x80072EFE]
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionDU::ExecuteFacilitatorDUImage(1473): Result = 0x80072EFE
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 CSI    00000001 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #10# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = bcc ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION'), vn = [l:25 ml:26]'CurrentMajorVersionNumber', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 CSI    00000002 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #9# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:63]'\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\', vn = [l:25 ml:26]'CurrentMajorVersionNumber', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 CSI    00000003 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #38# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = bcc ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup'), vn = [l:7 ml:8]'Compact', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 CSI    00000004 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #37# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:31]'\Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup\', vn = [l:7 ml:8]'Compact', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 CSI    00000005 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #45# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = bac ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION'), vn = [l:11 ml:12]'BuildBranch', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:49:48, Error                 CSI    00000006 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #44# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:63]'\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\', vn = [l:11 ml:12]'BuildBranch', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:50:23, Error                 CSI    00000007 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #78# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = b64 ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\Fonts'), vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:50:23, Error                 CSI    00000008 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #77# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:69]'\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\', vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-03-10 19:50:24, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 19:50:24, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 19:53:20, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 19:53:20, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 19:56:12, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 19:56:12, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 19:56:12, Error                 DU     DU::CDUSession::BuildSearchCriteria: Caller profile search criterion is not supported. hr = 0x80070032
    2021-03-10 19:56:12, Error                 DU     DU::CDUSession::Search: Failed to build the search criteria. hr = 0x80070032
    2021-03-10 20:03:10, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 20:03:10, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 20:03:12, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 20:03:12, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 20:06:24, Error                 CONX   Windows::Compat::Appraiser::AppraiserSettings::GetSettingsInternal (381):   Failed to Query OneSettings [0x80072efe] :: (ForcedOptIn:[TRUE], IsOptedIntoCore:[TRUE], IsOptedIntoCommercial:[FALSE], AllowedToQueryServer:[TRUE])[gle=0x80072efe]
    2021-03-10 20:06:31, Error                 CONX   hDevInfo invalid handle value
    2021-03-10 20:06:31, Error                 CONX   hDevInfo invalid handle value
    2021-03-10 20:06:31, Error                 CONX   hDevInfo invalid handle value
    2021-03-10 20:07:43, Error                 SP     CNewSystem::PreInitialize: FveCheckSuspendBitLockerOnUpgrade failed: 0x8007007f, assuming auto-unlock is not supported[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 20:07:49, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D[gle=0x000000cb]
    2021-03-10 20:07:49, Error                 SP     Failed to test whether this device is connected standby. Error: 0xD000000D
    2021-03-10 20:17:06, Error                 SP     CNewSystem::PreInitialize: FveCheckSuspendBitLockerOnUpgrade failed: 0x8007007f, assuming auto-unlock is not supported[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 20:17:07, FatalError            SP     Exception handler called! Details:[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 20:17:07, FatalError            SP       Exception record: 0[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 20:17:07, FatalError            SP         Exception code: 0xc0000005[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 20:17:07, FatalError            SP         Exception flags: 0x0[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 20:17:07, FatalError            SP         Exception address: 000007FEF0543560[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 20:17:07, FatalError            SP         Exception parameter 0: 0000000000000000[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 20:17:07, FatalError            SP         Exception parameter 1: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF[gle=0x0000007f]
    2021-03-10 20:17:11, FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x000007FEF0543560 in C:\Windows\system32\NV\igdumd64.dll (+0000000000043560).  Minidump attached (191038 bytes) to diagerr.xml and C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Panther\mndCB50.diagerr.mdmp.

    my service tag number is 4RMCTQ1

    I have no problems with a clean install but even that option isn't working (at least from doing it directly in windows via mounting the Official 19041.264 iso file).
  5. microtechton

    microtechton MDL Member

    Sep 11, 2018
    A clean installation would be creating a bootable USB with the recovery media (using tools such as Rufus, Ventoy, etc.) and booting from the USB to install Windows 10. You seem to have mixed up clean install with an in-place upgrade, in which case, you run the setup.exe inside the mounted image.
  6. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
    Why upgrade on top of all the win7 slush that can give u problems, clean install all the way.
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Clean install is not done by running setup.exe from a mounted ISO, clean install is from boot. What you're doing is upgrading.
  8. Hornetzero

    Hornetzero MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2018
    Alright Thank you very much guys. I managed to successfully put Windows 10 in my system and it feels like a massive improvement already.
  9. michelle.va

    michelle.va MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2021
    how did you do it can you teach me
  10. Hornetzero

    Hornetzero MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2018
  11. CaptainKirk1966

    CaptainKirk1966 Former MDL Guru

    Oct 31, 2009
  12. Hornetzero

    Hornetzero MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2018
    Can you provide a link to where this KMS_VL_ALL rom is?
  13. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
  14. CaptainKirk1966

    CaptainKirk1966 Former MDL Guru

    Oct 31, 2009
  15. Hornetzero

    Hornetzero MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2018
    Thanks for the response. I'm guessing I would have to keep updating KMS_VL_ALL with every new Win 10 update to keep up with activation required changes to Windows 10.
  16. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    To be honest, there haven't been any changes to the KMS protocol since Windows 8.1 times, just a few incompatibilities (e. g. virtual editions).

    KMS v4.0 - Windows Vista/Sv2008 + Windows 7/Sv2008R2
    KMS v5.0 - Windows 8.0/Sv2012
    KMS v6.0 - Windows 8.1/Sv2012R2 + Windows 10/Sv2016/Sv2019