[Solved] Win 10 Component Store Error

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by adric, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. adric

    adric MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2009
    #1 adric, Feb 8, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2022
    I have a 1607 Win10 Pro system that is up-to-date through 2022-01. SFC scan is clean and updating has not been a problem. I am trying to figure out why I keep getting file not found errors when checking the component store. /CheckHealth /ScanHealth say the component store is repairable. /RestoreHealth can't find what it's looking for. The CBS.log indicates problems with Checking System Update Readiness, But I don't know how to resolve this or what the /Source should be. Is there a way to fix this?

    Attached Files:

    • CBS.txt
      File size:
      11.2 KB
  2. kaljukass

    kaljukass MDL Guru

    Nov 26, 2012
    Source is the original from which you installed this version of Windows on your computer. It is usually install.wim or install.esd, and you only need it if the shadow copy or shadow copies on your computer are also damaged or deleted at all.
    I'm pretty sure that even if you have this/these backups or the original files, you won't be able to fix anything. The history has show, that usually it won't work and you simply waste time.
    The only thing that really saves / helps you is a new clean installation.
    So, you know for yourself whether you are wasting your time and nerves trying to fix something or you are doing a clean installation right away. I would do it anyway.
    It's a good idea to back up your files first, or you'll lose them.
    But 1607 is so old, that it is not recommended to reinstall. So try yo find something newer which suits you.
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  3. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Do an in place upgrade, easy, safe, and not stupid like a clean install
  4. adric

    adric MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2009
    #4 adric, Feb 8, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2022
    Clean install or Upgrade is not an option in my case. The system is frozen and I only do the monthly rollups. I managed to fix the problem though. After determining that the 5 packages in question were non-existent on the system, I checked HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\
    in the registry and found the five packages in question. I deleted each one and that cleared up the problem with /CheckHealth and /ScanHealth. Not sure why they were not cleaned up after trying /ComponentCleanup or /ResetBase

    Attached Files:

  5. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Frozen ? I'm afraid I don't get what you mean.

    If you were able to workaround the problem hardly frozen is intended as hung. So what's supposed to be the problem in an inplace upgade?

    Whatever I would do that anyway, the reapply the latest SSU/LCU to be sure your image is in a sane state
  6. adric

    adric MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2009
    I mean, I want to keep it at 1607 with no upgrades. Everything was and is running fine.
  7. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    In place upgrade is the official MS term to define an installation of windows "on top of itself", no matter if you use the same windows version or a newer one.

    I meant the first option reinstall 1607 on top of 1607, then install the last LCU/SSU/.net updates, (and I still suggest to do so).