Hello, I'm searching the actual (1903) Features on Demand (FOD) for Windows 10 Iso file SW_DVD9_NTRL_Win_10_1903_64Bit_MultiLang_FOD_#1.ISO and for the previous version 1809 also. Windows 10 Features on Demand (Updated Sept '18) 64 Bit MultiLanguage Disk 1 SW_DVD9_NTRL_Win_10_1809_64Bit_MultiLang_FOD_#1.iso Does anyone have these files from VLSC ? Thank you in advance. regards starbuck28
Thank you LostED for the quick answer. Stupid question: The Isos are labeled "en_windows_10_features_on_demand..." Are these files MultiLanguage (German, Italian, French, etc.) Iso's?
There isn't an FOD for 1909 as 1909 is a fake build. 18362.xxx + updates + 1909 enablement package + updates = 18363.418. In other words, FOD for 1903 is also for 1909.
I tried to download the link for windows 1903 but the link is not valid anymore. Can someone upload it again?
I need to install RSAT on a Windows 10 x64 1909 PC with no internet access. It appears that using the FOD .iso is the only way to do that. Any chance someone can make the 1903 Features on Demand available for download again?