The "... for embedded systems" products only differ in terms of licensing and support lifecycle. Compared to retail products there's no difference in functionality.
I am aware of it 100, but I was interested because I believe that this is modular sitema as with Windows Embedded Standard 7. Instead of using VLite to remove components, I believe that choosing the appropriate modules to be minimal footprint and memory consumption much lower. I was curious to test this OS, the problem is that I have not found anywhere to download ...
No, it's not a componentized OS. "... for embedded systems" versions exist for many products, such as Windows Server, Windows 2000, NT 4, MS-DOS, or SQL server. They only differ in licensing, such as not being allowed to be used as a general-purpose OS.
not from my research.. it is very hard to find. this was the first OS to have Enhanced Write Filters (EWF) for 64bit if I could find this one, I think I could back port its EWF components to work in XPx64thats what embeded versions are BTW, the Enhanced Write Filter components added.edit: also worth mentioning here that XPe (embedded) was 32bit and there never was an embedded version (EWF) of XPx64. I would really like to find a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate for Embedded Systems Business! anyone know anyone that can hook me up with it? thanks