Streaming video freezes HTPC,

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by thatguychuck, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. thatguychuck

    thatguychuck MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    I have an AMD 910e on an older Biostar motherboard (770 chipset,) 16GB Ram@1333, a 90GB SSD, a SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6450, and a Rosewill RNX-N600UBE usb wifi adapter set up on a 5Ghz band, Windows 7. Using HDMI to a 40 inch sony.

    It works great with local video files and XBMC. However, when I try to stream video from websites full screen, it freezes, sometimes with the audio stuck on a note, sometimes the audio is absent. I haven't been able to find any windows logs related to it other than unscheduled shutdown. I once monitored CPU usage and temps and did not see any spikes before the freeze. It will stream in safe mode at the lower resolution.

    Things I have tried: Various browser settings involving gpu acceleration, firefox and chrome. Updated drivers for everything I could find, even tried a few "older versions." Tried a different usb wifi reciever, re installed Windows 7 to a HDD, Memtest without error, prime95 without error, purchased a new video card (previous was a GTX210).

    My best guess right now is something is wonky with the motherboard. It's the oldest one I own and has been through quite a few configurations. I'm reluctant to get another one as I'm planning on replacing the entire setup with a low power Intel variant when I get some more money together.

    So aside from the streaming issue everything else works. If anyone has other ideas I welcome them. Thanks for reading.
  2. thatguychuck

    thatguychuck MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    You tube works with HTML5. So something buried in flash just doesn't agree with my current setup. Irks me because it's the only box I have with this issue, and a HTPC shouldn't need a workaround to play video.
  3. MrMagic

    MrMagic MDL Guru

    Feb 13, 2012