I have an AMD 910e on an older Biostar motherboard (770 chipset,) 16GB Ram@1333, a 90GB SSD, a SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6450, and a Rosewill RNX-N600UBE usb wifi adapter set up on a 5Ghz band, Windows 7. Using HDMI to a 40 inch sony. It works great with local video files and XBMC. However, when I try to stream video from websites full screen, it freezes, sometimes with the audio stuck on a note, sometimes the audio is absent. I haven't been able to find any windows logs related to it other than unscheduled shutdown. I once monitored CPU usage and temps and did not see any spikes before the freeze. It will stream in safe mode at the lower resolution. Things I have tried: Various browser settings involving gpu acceleration, firefox and chrome. Updated drivers for everything I could find, even tried a few "older versions." Tried a different usb wifi reciever, re installed Windows 7 to a HDD, Memtest without error, prime95 without error, purchased a new video card (previous was a GTX210). My best guess right now is something is wonky with the motherboard. It's the oldest one I own and has been through quite a few configurations. I'm reluctant to get another one as I'm planning on replacing the entire setup with a low power Intel variant when I get some more money together. So aside from the streaming issue everything else works. If anyone has other ideas I welcome them. Thanks for reading.
You tube works with HTML5. So something buried in flash just doesn't agree with my current setup. Irks me because it's the only box I have with this issue, and a HTPC shouldn't need a workaround to play video.