Hi all, Has anyone experienced this with 10074? If you right click on Properties for the Task Bar button (lower left corner) and then go to Start Menu tab, the Customize button is grayed out. I didn't try this on previous versions (maybe I did, but don't remember so I don't know if this ever worked (maybe back in 98XX and 99XX). I came across a couple of "suggested" fixes that could be made in the registry, but my implementation (running virtual on VMWare Worstation) doesn't seem to have the iexplorer "folder" with the correct registry keys. Thanks in advance.....
I think I read somewhere that this has been intentionally done as M$ works on finalizing the Start Menu. Was interested if anyone else knew more about this or if I was the only 1. BTW - I read somewhere (I think in this forum) that 10102 is actually an "older" version than 10074. Something about when each of these versions was compiled.
is gray out for everyone.....have to wait for MS to finish what their doing so u can get that option back.
For me, the whole Star Menu stopped working with most of the taskbar. After the corresponding WU fix have already been (auto-)installed...