The HTTP Web Server

Discussion in 'Mixed Languages' started by jlgager, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. jlgager

    jlgager MDL Developer

    Oct 30, 2009
    #1 jlgager, Apr 12, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
    The HTTP Web Server
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    The HTTP Web Server is an easy-to-use, FAST web hosting server that is written in C#.

    It has a built-in Install/Uninstall menu and is console based.


    Ability to define the Server Root Path, Document Root Path, Listening Port, Admin Email Address, and the Directory Index Filenames.

    Full install menu that installs to one of two locations, either the server running directory or the directory “C:\The HTTP Web Server”.

    Uninstall option uninstalls and removes all files in the folders.

    Install has two folders, “conf”, and “htdocs”.

    The “conf” folder has two files, httpd.conf, which is the main config file, and mime.type, which configures what file types, can be viewed in the browser.

    The “htdocs” folder has “index.html”, which is a template web page. This folder is where you will put all the files you are hosting with your site.

    You can install to "C:\The HTTP Web Server" by using the switches: "-i", "/i", "-install", "/install"
    You can uninstall from both locations by using the switches: "-u", "/u", "-uninstall", "/uninstall"
    You can start the server by using the switches: "-start", "/start"
    You can stop all running processes of the server by using the switches: "-stop", "/stop"
    (Please note that all errors that occur in these modes will automatically close the server after 5 seconds and will not return you to the main menu.)

    This web server is in the very early stages of development and is currently very basic. This is where I need your help as a developer to help add features that are not currently available. I ask as you make changes that you please fully comment every change and section of code to promote easier code readability. Thanks!


    You can check out this project's Codeplex site at
    You can download the current source files here.

    PLEASE NOTE: This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2).
    Click here to read the license terms.

    Version changes (4/12/2012):
    * Added "Start", "Stop", "Install", and "Uninstall" Command Line Switches

    Version changes (4/12/2012):
    * Fixed Localhost problem now works with domain names

    Version changes (4/11/2012):
    * First Release.

    Here is a list of features that I would like to add:

    (I will star off the items as they are added to the code and I will be adding to this list more items as required.)

    ***FIXED: Use across the network and with domain names. (Currently you can only access with localhost even if the port is forwarded.)***

    PHP, MySQL and webdav integration

    PHPMyAdmin integration

    .htaccess and .htpasswd or web.config integration

    Mod Rewrite Integration

    GUI Form Interface

    ***ADDED: Ability to stop and start the server without just closing it***

    ***ADDED: Command Arguments (i.e. –start, -stop, /start, /stop)***

    Lengthened list of mimes

    Directory listing on empty folders with change current visible hierarchy folder view

    Prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being viewed by Web clients.

    Virtual Directories Integration

    Error 414 Request-URI size limit

    Install server as a service that starts automatically with windows

    Make server try to download file if not a recognized mime type

    Better Error Pages (404, 500 or others that can be found here.)

    Want to thank me?
    Then just hit the thanks button on this post!
    Also post any ideas for future updates.
  2. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
    Cool. Very nice web environment application :)
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