So I have this piece of crap lying around the house. Here's a quick spec: Pentium 4 2.8GHz(?) not sure of the frequency, but I'm sure it's the old one without the NX support (Tried Installing Windows 10 LOL) 768MB DDR RAM (one stick of 256MB RAM crapped out) 40GB IDE Hard Drive 2 Optical Drives (I don't know why) currently it serves as the stand of my other PC. Can I grip some more features in this PC than being just a stand? EDIT: It's an OEM PC. HP DX2000MT to be exact.
We giving old stuff to the poor, mainly to some orphanages for to let the kids learn the How Too...... of to use a computer!
I have an older Dell pc that I put a Linux version called Qimo on it. It's designed for kids learning so my grandson uses it when he's here visiting. That old Dell box works great with Linux on it There are other Linux versions that will work well for older pc's. Linux Puppy is another one
Gut the poor thing and build a new PC in it. Take it to a LAN party and watch people snicker until they see it in action. Don't tell them that it's a new machine inside and they will think you are a tech god. I used to do this with old EMachine etowers, and I ended up selling a crap load of them to gamers.
You can take apart the computer and make jewelry out of it.
YAY, simply brilliant choice congrats dude , myself also make donations around my humble home and I am very happy to see children's and old man learning something about computers ( without drugs and assaults) trust me
If you itemize on your taxes donate to Goodwill and take $250 write off. I paid $10 for a computer and monitor I was gonna use and decided to donate.
If you still want to use it, get rid of Windows and install a light version of Linux, like Puppy Linux, etc. Should be okay for surfing the net.
In our country we have similar projects to help the needed. Google around and they probably collect it somewhere nearby.