Noted, I can add some options to config.ini to write skips during installing into VirtualBox. See OnePiece topic which ones can be disabled. Mentioned component can be.
what should I answer ... you talk about when in the image it recompresses the ... I didn't make any changes ... original image ... integrated OnePiece, all NET Framework and VBC AIO Captured VHD perfectly without errors. If I install it on a 2GB VBOX it works perfectly, if I do it at 4GB the errors come out ... (even on a real PC) the problem lies in your script not in my created image ... every time I tell you a problem you say that everything is perfect and one comes out saying that it works for him too (see the boot you and infoumus .... then who was right? me) I tell you the real problems ... another thing ... why make PAE mandatory if I have more than 4GB of ram ... why not let the user decide?
@WindowsMyStyle To be clear, I’m going to build Italian XP2ESD to see whats wrong. I told you English, Czech and Spanish ISO works. And all are installed on my two testing machines. As more users use this tool and it works its weird! Yes searching for CAB looks first for then then for At the end If any of them exist then is set as See how its declared inside setup.cmd. If you tell me exist but is loaded I have no idea why as it works on various editions in XP and 2003 in various languages. Why patching 4GB+ RAM on the fly? As it brings all available RAM amount. Thats all. I will post results from Italian build in few hours. EDIT: Test results are here
Sorry to interrupt but with all due respect but the PAE (Ram patch) can have side effects as I see on these sites that talks about it: retrosystemsrevival. blogspot .com/2019/12/fix128-128gb-ram-patch.html retrosystemsrevival. blogspot .com/2018/01/windows-xp-ram-patch.html
It may be, but I remember having tried a pae and it did not work as expected but only received an error of missing files so well, could you pass me the link of that PAE of daniel_k I doubt it will fail since daniel_k does an excellent job
This is just wrong. To do this, you must add a notice about compatibility issues with badly written drivers and make PAE optional. And this affects both XP (using my WinXPPAE) or Server 2003. For instance, there are no soundcards compatible with PAE. Only HD Audio codecs (Realtek extensively tested) are known to work properly.
I added quick fix for next, if anybody don't like it, simply can delete "%DRIVE%\support\WinXPPAE.exe". I have added it for automated patching only for XP machines with RAM >= 4GB.
Even so, you may have a perfectly working system without PAE, but as soon as you enable it, Windows may not even load anymore. IMHO compatibility/reliability should always come first, but this project isn't mine and I'm just giving you advice based on extensive testing of PAE.
That's what I mean ... The PAE can cause problems with different Drivers That's why I prefer not to have it even though I have 32GB of RAM! If you can't start 64-bit Windows XP, don't believe you have it with a modded 32-bit one anyway!
so the pae patch also has secondary problems? The pae patch in my humble opinion I can say that it is fine but not everything is as we always hope it is, it is possible that there is an error more than everything because the pae plays a role in the boot or kernel of windows xp so well it should be used only by the user Who wants to risk .. is my opinion I am not looking to offend someone ...
I understand the problem ... I created a SysPrep only with: en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-73974 and even with 4GB it works perfectly then in the iso: en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-73974 I integrated with RVM Integrator: OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v1.0.9_FINAL_ENU_7A2AC7C5DD72BB4BC0C18D677A8B8FB1 and with 4GB comes the problem I showed you. now I have created using AutoSysprep by integrating: OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v1.0.9_FINAL_ENU_7A2AC7C5DD72BB4BC0C18D677A8B8FB1 automatically with NLite and the problem is not there Basically if I integrate what I want with RVM Integrator which I personally think is better than NLite there is that problem.
Interesting right? When I told you, that you caused your problem yourselft, you don’t believed me. Please as I adviced it you before. Try to use tool as is before you start with modifications and complaining
Tool updated to v1.5.6 Code: 24.04.2021 - v1.5.6 - Fixed leftovers removal when used SKIPOOBE option - Added small fix for WinXPPAE patcher, if you don't what to use it, simply delete it
I will add automated WPI copying and launching for next. So everyone who like it, could simply place WPI folder into XP2ESD folder.
I added, for home use and testing only, the commands below: In RunOnceEx.cmd: line 123 - after Reboot REM Run WPI IF EXIST "%DRIVE%\WPIXP\wpi.exe" ( REG ADD %ROE%\014 /v "WPI" /d "%DRIVE%\WPIXP\wpi.exe" /f ) In XP2ESD_Builder.cmd: Line 104 - After Copying installers REM Copy WPIXP if exist "%~dp0WPIXP\wpi.exe" ( echo Copying WPIXP xcopy /s /i /y "%~dp0WPIXP" "%~dp0_output\WPIXP" >nul ) It's working really well! Thanks for your help!