so at this post, im doing my thing, eating dinner, take one of those floss/toothpick things to pick out food, when I feel a bit of a gap on my 2nd molar (top middle part) on my lower jaw's left side, so I take a look, and I think I broke off a part of it somehow? maybe ate something a bit too hard, it got weak in that area, and it just broke without me knowing? granted I missed a few days brushing my teeth, but I didnt even feel it happening; so do I go to the dentist to get that part filled in with whatever they use to make fillings for teeth, get them to sand it down smooth, or get them (if possible) to remove that tooth entirely? attachment shows an example, red square is missing bit highlighted by green circle
@ MrMagic yes you are correct because I think people need to understand that Dick is Dick and Stone is Stone this way here we are only discussing matters related to tech only; So they need to have more sense, I guess.
I broke a tooth on my bridge and super glued it back together and it lasted for a couple years, Don't need no dentist, we can mod that tooth for you with tonto 11's auto body skills and my super glue
Cannot understand, is it joke or spam only? If the joke, then try to run system restore, maybe helps. If not, maybe should have topic for dentists. Or you think, here is just the best place.
@dhjohns: I fully agree. If the thread was about erectile dysfunction, I might be less inclined to agree with you.
uh... that would be a your hard drive, not the motherboard! If your can't find or get a hard drive then you'll have to settle with a thumb drive
ok, ok, I get it; ill make an appointment for a filling later; now I can use my medicaid card for something (if it covers dental fillings)
If you're close to the southwest US and are trying to save $, you could go to a border town in Mexico and get it fixed for roughly 1/3 of US prices. Most of border town clinics in MX cater to Americans and offer good services (from everything I've heard). For example, just south of the Arizona/California border is Los Algodones and that whole town is nothing but eye doctors, dentists, pharmacies, etc that cater to Americans. Or check if there's a dental school near you that offers public service to save $.
Sorry, I assumed that the reason the hard drive was as slow as a floppy drive was because the motherboard ( you know, the device you plug all the drives into ) was old and ugly.