Needed to get this up on the web somewhere. I was given a Toshiba Satellite C C650-1CT, but I guess it applies to all recent Toshiba Laptops, where it has a power on password which stopped access to the Bios or Windows. To reset the CMOS, as removing all the CMOS battery will not work on this, you need to open the Memory bay and on the PCB you will see 2 small Silver pads with a vertical line separating them. Short / Jumper the two pads for 5 seconds while turning the laptop on, and the password is removed. In my case the pads were marked as B500 or 8500. Hope this saves someone some money, as lots of websites seem to charge for this.
The p/w is removed indefinitely? Though I dont have the entire PC, I have the majority of it including the mobo after a friend got mad and whipped his at a wall demolishing the screen and a few other parts. I salvaged most of it though. Message me if you're in need of spare parts and maybe we can trade for something. Satellite C655-S5049 Part No. PSC08U-02D01D
@ kravena I have looked all over the internet which has lead me here as the closest possible solution. I have a Toshiba Satellite C655-S5128 and have tried many solution, including yours with no luck. I had shorted the two solder joints in the pad labeled B500 while powering on the system, but it still goes to the "enter password" prompt every time. Is there something I'm missing? I'm sure that I have already voided the warranty with other solutions, so sending it isn't really an option. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Thanks for the reply. I have actually gotten passed the bios password, but it is now asking for the hdd password. I am trying to use Hirens bootCD but it still jumps straight to the harddisk, even though I have changed the boot order to 1) usb 2)CDrom 3)hard disk. Any ideas what the solution to this may be? None of these passwords were ever set. It has irreplaceable data on it, so wiping it out, or using a different HD isn't really an option. Thanks again Also, I have created a cd and a usb to be both bootable. I have tried both, and they both work as long as the HD is not in the system.
So it seems. I feel like MHDD would help me, but I can't bypass it trying to boot from the HD, even with it last in the boot order. Any way to force it to boot from a particular source only? Or to ignore a source entirely? Are there other methods to unlock or bypass this prompt? I haven't found other back doors to it. Thanks
i have 250 GB hard drive but it is not powering on . i think there is some problem in its card can u give me any suggestion that it can be repaired or not and if it cant b repaired then is there any possibility that i can get back my data from the hard drive?
I have this same model sitting on my bench now with the "Power on Password" issue. I have tried jumping those 2 solder pads for 5 seconds while booting up the laptop and it does not clear the password and I've tried several times using variations of your method described. Can you describe exactly how you did it? Did you jump those pads for 5 seconds before, after, or as you hit the power button? Was the cmos battery removed while you did this? Did you hold the power button down or just start it like normal with the pads shorted for 5 seconds? Btw, awesome fix for this if I can repeat it! TIA
Thanks to kravena for this post. I wish I had of found it earlier. After pulling the entire laptop to pieces (about 3 times), trying cmos battery method and scouring the entire board for a J1 jumper I stumbled onto this post. Was able to find it and reset it with a minimum of fuss. Thanks again.
Worked for me This worked for me. Had to do it in various different ways but shorting out those two points, (in my case with the CMOS battery out for at least 30 minutes before hand and during the operation) eventually got the machine to work without the blue password screen. What happened: The machine went to the boot options screen and then switched itself off, which worried me a little, so I tried switching it on again with the two points shorted and it switched off again. On each occasion no password screen. Tried to switch on with no shorting and the machine booted to Windows.
Abraves237: Would you mind telling us how you were able to reset the boot password? I'm sure it just slipped your mind when you t's kind of selfish and short-sighted to come ask for a solution, then not post it for others when you have found it. Im sure it just slipped your mind when you hit another obstacle but I could definitely use a solid direction and your claim of resetting it was the only instance I could find online. Thank you Greg
abraves237 Abraves237: Would you mind telling us how you were able to reset the boot password? I'm sure it just slipped your mind when you t's kind of selfish and short-sighted to come ask for a solution, then not post it for others when you have found it. Im sure it just slipped your mind when you hit another obstacle but I could definitely use a solid direction and your claim of resetting it was the only instance I could find online. Thank you Greg
Hi, I have a C650-00M . I have tried shorting cmos numerous times and variations of jumping the B500 pads and it fails every time. After re starting i get text ( firmware has detected a failure in cmos battery press f1 to continue f2 to enter startup) pressing either does nothing so i power down and start again only to get enter password screen.. i have replaced cmos battery with a new one and it still says firmware has detected a failure. . Any ideas?