Trying to install OS and having issues......

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by glenquagmire82, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. glenquagmire82

    glenquagmire82 MDL Novice

    Sep 28, 2013
    #1 glenquagmire82, Sep 29, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2013
    I have been trying the process since Friday before posting.

    command.png my issue is I have the .iso on a disc using imgburn because windows 7 usb/dvd wont recognize it and when I load it into the optical drive to boot windows (SSD is in SATA 0 and Optical is in SATA 5), I get to the install screen and it says cannot locate cd/dvd driver. I also tried the work around to get the .iso to usb using isoadvpcopy file but when I do the command isoadvpcopy.exe <nameoffile.iso> it acts like its reading but never finishes. I am trying to fix the .iso file to allow me to use windows 7 usb/dvd program to place the file onto the usb drive during boot of the os.

    UPDATE****I found a new OS download and tried that file. It worked in adding the isoadvpcopy.exe path. Now its got the isoadvpcopy path added to the .iso file. I am now trying the file onto a DVD and then USB, then booting it to see if it fixes the issue with "No CD/DVD Drive detected" when booting windows.
  2. glenquagmire82

    glenquagmire82 MDL Novice

    Sep 28, 2013