Unable to boot Windows setup after teams SKU install

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by LostViews, Jul 13, 2022.

  1. LostViews

    LostViews MDL Novice

    Aug 31, 2020
    So in a half sleepy daze I screwed up. I used UUPDump.net to create a AIO iso of the latest insider build. So far so good. Go to install windows and select the wrong SKU. I accidentally installed the Teams SKU (the SKU meant for the surface hub). Get into the main OS and realise yup something's wrong as it's 100% different. Try rebooting into installer USB however it just returns to boot menu.
    I tried a Ubuntu usb and the UEFI will happily boot into that but the working Windows install stick it will not boot into but will on other PCs.
    I did some Google-foo and found something similar on reddit (/r/WindowsHelp/comments/tt4d8v/comment/i2w7m9r/) . It suggested it potentially set some uefi variables which is blocking the boot. I tried his solution and have had no luck

    Is there any documentation on what modifications this makes to the UEFI?

    So far tried:
    -tried booting with F12 boot menu
    -Boot the efi of the installer with grub chainloading.
    - cleared secureboot to default and trusted efi
    - disabled secure boot and tried booting incase it applied a update
    -Tried booting efi directly from uefi shell

    Would try legacy mode boot but not supported by the bios
  2. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    From what I know it locks down the system using the TPM and SecureBoot. Completely resetting the TPM and the Secure Boot keys to factory state should get you back on track.
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