Universal MediaCreationTool wrapper script - create Windows 11 media with automatic bypass

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by AveYo, Sep 25, 2021.

  1. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    Yes, it upgrades to the detected edition you have running.
    It can also force another edition if renaming the script with the EditionID needed (like "Enterprise MediaCreationTool.bat" or in your case "Professional MediaCreationTool.bat" or shorter "Pro MediaCreationTool.bat") .
    Yes, it bypasses all requirements for both upgrades and clean installs, you don't have to do anything.
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  2. MDeaks

    MDeaks MDL Member

    Aug 25, 2017
    sorry (if this is NOT THE CORRECT FORM) to post a/this question here....<note am less than NOVICE when it come to windows"
    so,pls forgive ......

    1)though to upgraded a PC (that has factory OEM win11 pro) to windows 11 pro workstation
    2)did a CHANGE KEY - to update to Win11 PRO for workstation , using a GENERIC KEY
    3)- it went thru the "activation" steps, but in end i gotten a msg saying = FAILED to ACTIVATE.
    4) than I ran the "activation troubleshooter' , and it came back "UPGRADE NOW"
    5) click on UPGRADE NOW.... came back said "not able to upgrade"
    6) rebooted, and looked @ settings - it said win11pro for workstn "INACTIVE"
    7) than I checked the SSD's and Partitions = ALREADY with ReFS file systems !!!

    a) how do I know / check if the "rest of windows" is REALLY UPDATED ? <as one of the thingies I was expecting = xbox stuff, which wasn't there>
    b) do I just use 'slmgr' to activate ? (did see the now Famous "abbodi" tool !!:p:p)
    c) is there a way to do FORCE UPDATE <to pro 4 wrkstn> ?
  3. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    If a PC has factory OEM win11 pro, it will ONLY activate 11 pro.
    If you use a GENERIC KEY for professionalworkstation it will allow you to set it, but it won't activate - how could it?! if it was that easy then everybody on the planet would do it and there would be 99.9% enterprise editions or something!
    If you want legit activation, then use your legit professionalworkstation key. If you don't have one, then you are gonna have to use an activation hack, such as KMS_VL_ALL on this forum.
    So now you've changed the key to ProWS. Great. That's called a license switch. It's not an upgrade per-se. Since the feature set differs a lot, you should run an in-place upgrade now.
    In-place upgrade is running setup again under windows (from any 11 media) and let it install over - it should now detect ProWS and layout everything where it should be.
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  4. MDeaks

    MDeaks MDL Member

    Aug 25, 2017
    #84 MDeaks, Apr 13, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2022

    @BAU, thanks for the info;
    a) did get a legit Wkstn Key.-activation worked via /ato....<<actually used one of my previous 'findings' re win7 ultimate key for win11.....it worked also!>>
    b) will try to re-run 'install/setup" from MS downloaded iso. >just was hoping that there might be a way to tell if "anything was missing" @ upgrade I did b 4....
    c) for me; the only thing I was looking for <and got> was NTFS changed/updated to ReFS;
    ...problem for me is; and very annoying feature - is those 'xbox' thingies .....that comes via "std MS iso"...
    <and yip saw/read a bit about 'compiling a custom win11 esd / ISO etc" --err, am way too lazy for that.. lol

    Phew @!@ .... see why pple say 'weird" stuff bout this OS.... 'windows very beginner here'
    thanks again....
  5. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    Glad it worked out for you as well!
    it clutters the thread unnecessarily - plus - as the author, I get notifications of any comments anyway, there's no need to quote or @mention
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  6. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    That's one heavy SSD! :p
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  7. brut7

    brut7 MDL Member

    Jun 9, 2007
    Thanks again Bau, upgraded two more standard computers including my old favorite AMD 8350 on an old ASUS Motherboard with 16 gigs of ram, a 1tb SSD another ten of old spinning drives, and a. RX 560. 3 for 3 so far, one to go. I'm typing from 11 on that one now, activation good right away. You do great work!
  8. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    Well, 11 has kinda taken over.

    But this script's initial focus was supporting older versions, and I have been busy doing just that.
    May 10th is closing in, and it will ax even more versions. End-Of-Support is not End-Of-Life, tho.
    I've been a strong supporter of running the latest windows for the added security benefits, but I've seen first-hand that it's not always achievable.
    Not all people are gullible idiots. Compensating with stricter online usage can be fine (until it's not :D)
    Anyway, plenty of machines will remain online, that for some reason or other can't upgrade to the newest offer in this accelerated WaaS world.
    20H2 is pushed aggressively on 1507 to 2004 atm, regardless of hardware incompatibilities or - well - user choice.
    20H2 Home and Pro goes EOS May 10th. What then? I can only assume 21H1 takes it's place, but that won't be a bump-less ride (there are still official upgrade holds).

    So in the upcoming script update, I'm gonna introduce REJECT FEATURE UPGRADES (and REJECT DRIVERS) even in the policy-crippled Home editions!
    And I'm not using a Sledgehammer to achieve that :p
    Stay tuned!
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  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    This, do it and I'll love you for all eternity/noHomoLove :p:D
  10. haber123

    haber123 MDL Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    What governs the "keep files and apps" during an update to a higher build? Doesn't seem to be a common thread as to why some upgrades get "keep files" and others get "keep files and apps"
  11. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
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  12. stephr1

    stephr1 MDL Junior Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    #94 stephr1, May 2, 2022
    Last edited: May 2, 2022
    Just wanted to circle back around on this....I know. A simple Like/Upvote is the recommended way. However....

    I am incredibly impressed by this tool and am very appreciative to the author(s)/coder(s) who took the time to create and share it. Thank you!!

    I have an older Intel Core x2 CPU in an equally as old laptop w/Win 10 Pro so over the weekend I decided to try the upgrade on it before I tried it on my main computer. Figured if the laptop HDD ended up being flattened, I wouldn't have been too worried.

    The process was smooth and straightforward, albeit, certainly took quite some time. It was truly a "set and forget" experience. I initiated the upgrade and checked on it through the day. It finally finished and I took care of some personalization on the new system. Pretty much all the programs (there weren't a lot since this was an occasionally used system) remained intact. That's the upside.

    The downside is that I am no longer able to put Quick Launch (or any new sub-menu) onto the taskbar. That is both a surprise and very disappointing. I tend to use that a lot. The other, much lesser concern, was that I have the Win 7 games for Win 10 on the system and those were disabled and/or deleted (the same happened when I upgraded to Win 10)....but easily reinstalled

    I'll play with it on my laptop for a while until if/when I decide I will put it onto my main system.

    Absolute kudos on this tool.

  13. kriskras69

    kriskras69 MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2021

    Search google using "win11 quick launch on taskbar" and some youtube's should pop up.
    You get your quick launch bar back in no time (assuming it still works)


  14. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
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  15. JayPea

    JayPea MDL Junior Member

    Feb 28, 2009
    This is a rf bad idea parading as good advice.
  16. kriskras69

    kriskras69 MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2021
    I suggested doing a search for it, please tell me whats wrong with that. When poster states its a 'downside' i assume he didnt LOOK for a solution.
    This video has 23.000 views and the comments are all good and saying it works.
    Now im willing to learn so please, teach me.

  17. kriskras69

    kriskras69 MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2021
    I dont use Quick Launch. I did watch the video and there is nothing fishy going on there, its not like it asks you to install an exe and run it.
    It was all with good intensions, just so you know.

  18. MDeaks

    MDeaks MDL Member

    Aug 25, 2017
    @Enthousiast and all others involved.....

    thanks again.....
    used the Media tools + the Newer, V9+, for upgrade of two workstations to windows 11; <even though they most likely are up-gradrable and wont need any 'bypass" etc>
    it worked nicely during update/upgrade from win10 Pro-Wkstn to Win11 Enterprise.
    yes even gotten the existing ReFS+ custom encryp'ton files to migrate WITHOUT ISSUES.