Check the posts following the release post for mirrors. There should be several available. EDIT: Thanks MD.
Well, it seems my new approach worked somewhat better. The app is now fully virtualized with all resources included so that files and paths should no longer be a problem. I have also redesigned the inner structure, which will hopefully solve the problems with some Server setups. First post updated.
Tested on Windows 7 Professional (x86) with Office 2010 (x86), both activated. Tested on Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) with Word 2010, again worked. Will test on Server Core installation.
Thanks. If the basic app works on Core as well i will start implementing your auto-repeat routine and some other things.
Tested on Server 2008 R2 Standard Core, it did not work. Jumps straight to office activation, errors out with osppsvc not installed.
About 0x800700D error... im one of those that was geting this error on office since OS reinstall 3 weeks ago (i reinstall every month or two anyway), today with about ~10 days of "trial" i decided to rearm office and now suddenly KMS activation works fine. Edit: View attachment 6465 this is office 2010 rearm method taken from office activator.
Since the choices seem to be skipped; could it be that Core is missing choice.exe or something like that? Also whats odd is that it jumps to Office activation. In the script the Office part comes after the Windows part, so im not sure how the Office part could be executed first. Or maybe it did do the Win part too and you just didnt notice it because there werent any errors?
Yes, it is known that this can help with a persistent 800700D. A slmgr -rilc might have the same effect.
OSPPRearm is available at Code: %PROGRAMFILES%\Common Files\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform A rearm changes the Client Machine ID and renews the data in the trusted store both in Office and Windows. The screen flashes the menu but does not prompt and goes straight for office activation.
And i think i know why now. Code: choice /c 12 /n /m "Enter a number: " if errorlevel 2 goto act if errorlevel 1 goto ato The Win part comes before the Office part, but goto act is the first command after the choices. This clearly indicates that the choices are just being skipped, and the only reasons i can think of why it would do that is if choice.exe doesnt exist or cannot be reached. Would you mind investigating this?
Interesting. Another one of these things that dont seem to make any sense at all as it is entirely illogical for it to work on all systems except for one. I mean a missing choice.exe or the app refusing to work on any system, that might have given me something to go on. But under these circumstances i dont even know what to debug since the app itself doesnt seem to actually have a problem. So lets sum this up: • A standalone bat with choices works on all editions • A standalone bat with choices works on Core as well • The app executing a bat with choices works on all editions • The app executing a bat with choices works not on Core Whats the missing piece here? In what way is Core different from the rest? Why would Core, and only Core, skip the choices, and only the choices, of an application-executed bat when the same bat would work just fine as a standalone?