Has anyone been able to find/make a half-open connections patch for Vista SP1 v668? Or does somebody know how to make one for Vista RTM?(I'd be happy to do it myself if I knew what to look for in the dissasembly) Thanks
This is really useles. Could you at least post the original, unmodified files? that would give me some chance of doing something with this.
!! NOT TESTED !! Seems to work like RTM, so : For 32bit SP1 .668 (tcpip.sys 6.0.6001.17052) offset 0x48B22 83 FA 0A -> 83 FA xx with 0x0A <= xx <= 0x7F limit = xx or 83 FA 0A -> 80 FE xx with 0x01 <= xx <= 0x7F limit = 256 * (xx + 1)
I've been spending way too much time on this thing. It's technically right but Vista keeps saying the file is missing or corrupt after I replace it.