@ eggie, seems more of a hardware problem to me when you say you have tried various vista disks and same error have you tried burning the disks at a lower speed. Or even try installing xp just to see if you still get errors.
hi Urie I have Win XP all ready installed and activated with a cr**k. All discs are burned at low speed , so its not the burning at fault. When vista is installed everything is fine working as it should its the updates that render it useless. Microsoft must be hiding an update disguised as a validation procedure so when updated it recognises it's not genuine and clears loads of files at restart and renders it useless. Thats all i can think off. i know update KB 940510 is a update disguised as a validation procedure so didnt install that, also read on internet that update comes up twice under another number but dont know the update number for that. thanks for ur input. Eggie
Hi Everilda Thanks for your info i dont think it's the hardware updates that are doing it as i only install the graphic card, the main board and audio, Lan updates plus the ultimate extras and a few normal vista updates. As the post above i think there is an update disguised as a validation process but dont know the update number for that apart from KB 940510 thats a validation update. Which i dont install, Thanks Eggie
I would strongly suggest not installing hardware updates from win update unless absolutely necessary. I have seen these cause trouble more often than not...
^^ This Always grab drivers from the manufactures website. Do them in this order: 1. Chipset (reboot) 2. Video (reboot) 3. Networking 4. Audio 5. All others (reboot)
@Eggie We need more information in order to help further. Do you have Slic 2.0/2.1 in your bios and are using VOATK to install the key and certificate? VOATK v1.5 is quite old, the last version was v2.5 as far as I know. My current Vista SP2 installation uses the Dell slic and I have all important updates installed including the WGA update KB 940510. There is no known WGA update that will have the effect you are describing.
Hi Everilda I think i got to the bottom of my problem , i think the mainboard drivers i install from win update breaks my install. I read it on the net its a microsoft article i cant find the link right now but it states if u have an intel chip and vista activated and when u install drivers for the board it somehow de activates vista and so have to re activate it, but the problem is it wont re activate from Vista itself u have to phone microsoft up. So i think this is where my problem lies. Any help Appreciated. Thanks Eggie
@Eggie Could you download the drivers direct from Intel? I did this for my Vista installation. On my two mobos I haven't installed any motherboard drivers, just the default from the Win 7 installation. They are fairly old P4 boards.
Hi Everilda I thought i got to the bottom of my problems but i seem the gremlins have come back again, this time i downloaded a vista disc from this site and installed it. Everything went smooth i installed drivers from manufacturers websites. The Grpahics driver O.K then the Chipset driver O.K then Audio O.K and finally LAN driver O.K . Then i activated using one of the Vista act*vators i think The paradox one. Upon Reboot i updated windows and downloded windows Dreamscene and chess titans and other ultimate extras then upon reboot my install made useless activation was deactivated again and timer reset back to 30 days and most programs reporting errors as usual. It has SLIC 2.0 but this time this was untouched nothing was modded apart from using the paradox act*vator. What am i doing wrong that is making vista not active ? and is there a simple way to do the install and to activate it? Can i use the bois method to activate Vista ? My board is ABit IX38 QUAD GT BIOS Ver 13 BIOS AWARD SLIC 2.0 Any help gladly apprecited please this must be the 8th time i have installed Vista and not been able to activate it then re formatted and re installed, using a separate partition for vista to make life easy but at moment no light at the end of tunnel. Thanks Eggie
Another problem I see is using the Paradox crap. If you have a SLic in bios, why use act*vator?? It is not necessary and causes probs. You have SLIC, use it. You only need cert snd serial and input with slmgr. No loaders or act*vators..
Hi 911 Thanks for pointing out that i dont need activators to run vista gladly appreciated your kind info. Thanks Eggie
Hi Everilda Nothing is going to plan, i tried the SLIC method downloaded the toolkit and opened the toolkit by running as administrator and getting message Slic dump Failed. So ran Everest and now no SLIC showing in Everest. the wierd thing is when i use an activator it activates my SLic in the BIOS and shows up in Everest but this time did not use an activator and no SLIC shown in BIOS. I did load the certificate in C:\ and ran the slmgr command and got a success and i then ran the ipk command and got success again then ran the idv command and only 30 days activation. So something is not going to plan. Something so straight forward is not going so smoothly as planned as i'm doing something wrong somewhere along the lines but cant put my finger to it where i am going wrong. Something so simple i didnt know could be so hard believe me i've cracked harder progs before this is posing some dilemas to me. Any help appreciated. Thanks Eggie