Vista X64 wont boot 8 GB help !!!!

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by superfly, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. superfly

    superfly Guest

    Hello all well my problem is i upgraded my motherboard /psu/memory

    motherboard im useing is the Asrock N7AD-SLI memory is all matching 5300 / 677

    right heres my fault when i installed windows vista 32-Bit my system boots perfect with all 8 gb of ram no problems at all soon has i try to install windows vista X64 wont boot .

    so i took out 4GB booted up vista X64 no problems installed it run great then i upgraded the memory sticks to 8gb after i did this i tried a normal boot but it keept crashing on the vista loading bar allways a white screen.

    ive tried ovrclocking the power / speed on the memory sticks allways the same fault 6gb works wonderfull in the system but 8 gb keeps crashing ive got the most upto date bios for my mother board tried the new sticks i brought on there own did a memory test no fault detected . has i said 6gb will boot great but anymore then 6gb crashes on loading screen it has to be 64 - bit vista as i get the full 8gb in 32 - bit vista
    please could you guys

    thanks in advance !!!!
  2. superfly

    superfly Guest

    sorry i forgot to say the memory is DDR 2
  3. zort

    zort MDL Expert

    Feb 19, 2008
    Try installing Vista X64 with less than 4GB. Install SP1 and other updates. Then add the rest of the RAM.
  4. foxhunter

    foxhunter MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2009
    Vista 32bit is booting without any problems, because it can't see or use the RAM above 4 GB, but Vista 64bit does.

    I think you have a problem with one or more of your RAM modules. Are they dual channel? How many sticks do you have?

    Try to change the sticks in the slots. Is Vista booting if you put the probably damaged sticks in the slots and remove the first two sticks?
  5. HSChronic

    HSChronic MDL Expert

    Aug 25, 2007
    Fox may be on to something, try downloading Memtest or Hirens boot CD and test the RAM. Is it happening just when you add the extra 4 or only when you add those modules. Have you tried flashing the BIOS with a non-modded BIOS (if you have even flashed at all)?
  6. superfly

    superfly Guest

    Thx for all your reply's ive tryed changing the memory about like a stick at a time and tryed booting eatch stick every one worked even tried 2 sticks at a time same booted.

    my board is dual channel 4 dimm slots max cap 16GB
    the funny thing is i can boot 6GB no problem and the remaining memory stick i can swap and it still boots but only 6GB.

    even when i try to go into the repair via vista disc with all 8gb all i get to is the loading screen and the loading bar just keep loading dosent move ive waited 40 mins turned screen off then back on still loading .

    no didnt need to patch my bios vista worked without it ive even downloaded the new update drivers for my board which i will try now but i think theres somthink thats stoping me also i did a proformance test on the pair of memory sticks which did 2 tests and passed on all sticks will try the memtest programme thanks for all your anwsers to my problems .
  7. superfly

    superfly Guest

    i havent flashed the bio's thats a thought cheers will try and let you guys know
  8. foxhunter

    foxhunter MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2009
    If every memory stick is working in the first three slots, but not in the fourth, than you may have a problem with your mainboard.
  9. superfly

    superfly Guest

    i have win xp pro x64 dont fancy usein it but i think that ill decide if its the mainboard did a flash on the bios same problem tho.

    its weird tho cause i installed 32 - bit and showed up 8 GB run sweet soon has i tryed to install 64 - bit vista keept crashing ether blue screen with 0x0000001E or a white screen with a blue fade in it.

    Yeah most prob cause it dont use that much mem but its crazy how it detected the full 8 gb and loaded ill try installing X64 - bit win xp pro see if i get the same problem if i dont it has to be windows vista x64 - bit

    thanks again mate ;)
  10. superfly

    superfly Guest

    oh i tryed all 4 slots seem to work fine booted in diffrent slots diffrent mem etc

    still same old problem tho
  11. superfly

    superfly Guest

    ok i tried to load in winsdows xp pro x64 got stuck on the starting windows bit didnt move for 30 mins .

    heres what i also fouook both old and new sticks out same name chips but the memory chips where diffrent names also when i had a read thru the manual it says same name everythink else you carnt dual channel .

    well funny thing is they can dual channel no problem but when i put the new memory in yellow 1st and 3rd dimm and then my old memory as 2nd and 4th dimm monitor keeps flashing orange and wont come on .

    so i have to put old chips 1st and 3rd dimm and new one 2nd thats how i get 6GB
    but when i put 4th 2gb ddr2 stick in will also boot but wont load any 64 - bit OS not matter which one i use.

    im going to formatt now and install win pro 64 and then try my 8 gb if it dont work ill have to speak to the guy i had the memory from and most prob have to get 2 more 2gb memory sticks :(

    anyways cheers guys !
  12. foxhunter

    foxhunter MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2009
    are the sticks from the same brand?

    Do they have the same timings? Are they all ECC or non-ECC?

    To check this out, you should use a tool like Everest to give some more details about the chips.
  13. superfly

    superfly Guest

    i found out that the memory i brought was AM2 only :( motherboards also my manual says i have to have matching ddr2 memory name make etc thanks very much guys your imput helped alot
  14. Carl

    Carl MDL Novice

    Oct 12, 2008

    Is the memory matched (all the same brand, speed, size, batch)? have you checked for a bios update? power supply? unplug cd drives, extra hard drives, remove unnecessary add on cards temporarily, if computer loads windows with 8gb then the power supply may be too weak with everything else running.

    If you have never flashed (a bios) before read up a little first. If you have ever flashed anything else we really don't need to know.
  15. foxhunter

    foxhunter MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2009
    It shouldn't have to be the same branch. I've updated my notebook last week to 4 GB, now i have two different memory sticks in it. One is manufactured in mid of 2008, the other is 'brand new' (02/2009). Different manufacturers, but of course same speed and timings.

    But the testing without any additional devices is a good idea. Maybe the power supply....
  16. fred64

    fred64 MDL Junior Member

    May 2, 2007
    The problem lies in your memory!
    Most boards that claim they can run 8GB will only run 8GB if it is SINGLE SIDED RAM. ie 8 x 256.
    The normal DDR2 800 is double sided 16 x 128 and the maximumyou can use of this is 6GB.
    Go to Asrock support and check supported memory to confirm this.
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  17. HSChronic

    HSChronic MDL Expert

    Aug 25, 2007
    You learn something new everyday. I never knew that.